pronebird / UIScrollView-InfiniteScroll

UIScrollView ∞ scroll category
MIT License
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Is it possible to show an error message #47

Open lujop opened 7 years ago

lujop commented 7 years ago

Is it possible to show an error message if loading more data fails?

pronebird commented 7 years ago

Hi, You have entire control over that. infinite scroll does not provide any capabilities for that and I believe this task is beyond the scope of this project.

lujop commented 7 years ago

I think that will be useful to reuse the logic that adds the spinner to be able to show a message like 'loading more data failed'.

In my case when the initial load fails and you haven't data I show the error in tableview's background. But when you have data and load more data fails I think that the nicest and less intrusive way is to put where the loading indicator was.

pronebird commented 7 years ago

I was thinking the same. It's possible to display that as part of custom indicator view. We would then have to postpone the point when we restore bottom content inset to keep bottom view visible. The question is then how to provide means to retry loading more data.

Maybe we could add behaviors support to manage that externally or provide certain boilerplate.