pronebird / UIScrollView-InfiniteScroll

UIScrollView ∞ scroll category
MIT License
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Infinite scroll handler never called #85

Open ilahomesick opened 3 years ago

ilahomesick commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'll explain you my situation:

  1. I have a framework where I added UIScrollView-InfiniteScroll with Carthage, where I have a page with a simple table view
  2. In the same project an example app to test the page and there the scroll works perfectly
  3. I have a main app where I use the framework (point 1) that provides the page with the infinite scroll and when I try to scroll from the main app the scrolling handler is never called

I checked with the debugger and addInfiniteScroll is called correctly when the table is initialised. Also in the main app (point 3) we have a dependency to UIScrollView-InfiniteScroll but with cocoa pods, but I don't think that's the reason of the problem.

Edit: I tried to add ordersTableView.beginInfiniteScroll(true) snd the automatic scroll works and load the second page, but if I scroll manually it doesn't work. Any Idea about what it can depend on?

pronebird commented 3 years ago


Can you put a breakpoint around here and see if the extension receives the calls to setContentOffset?

Cheers, Andrej