pronenewbits / Embedded_UKF_Library

A compact Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) library for Teensy4/Arduino system (or any real time embedded system in general)
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
61 stars 21 forks source link

Too high memory usage on Arduino Uno (9KB of 2KB) #3

Closed wtfamidoingrn closed 3 months ago

wtfamidoingrn commented 1 year ago

Hello, I am using (or at least trying) your library which is exactly what i need on an Aduino uno.

The problem is that the variables don't fit in the 2KB SRAM of the Arduino.

This is what platformio (I do not use the Arduino IDE but the CLion platformio addon) says about the memory usage:

Advanced Memory Usage is available via "PlatformIO Home > Project Inspect"
RAM:   [==========]  444.9% (used 9111 bytes from 2048 bytes)
Flash: [=======   ]  71.1% (used 22930 bytes from 32256 bytes)
.pio/build/Debug/firmware.elf  :
section                     size      addr
.data                        628   8388864
.text                      22302         0
.bss                        8483   8389492
.comment                      17         0
.note.gnu.avr.deviceinfo      64         0
.debug_aranges               256         0
.debug_info                 2892         0
.debug_abbrev               1602         0
.debug_line                 1284         0
.debug_str                   520         0
Total                      38048

This is the code (main.cpp) i used:

#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Wire.h"
#include "I2Cdev.h"
#include "MPU9250.h"
#include "elapsedMillis.h"
#include "konfig.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "ukf.h"

MPU9250 accelerationGyro;
I2Cdev I2C_M;

uint8_t buffer_m[6];

int16_t ax, ay, az;
int16_t gx, gy, gz;
int16_t mx, my, mz;

float heading;
float tiltheading;

float Axyz[3];
float Gxyz[3];
float Mxyz[3];

#define sample_num_mdate  5000

volatile float mx_sample[3];
volatile float my_sample[3];
volatile float mz_sample[3];

static float mx_centre = 0;
static float my_centre = 0;
static float mz_centre = 0;

volatile int mx_max = 0;
volatile int my_max = 0;
volatile int mz_max = 0;

volatile int mx_min = 0;
volatile int my_min = 0;
volatile int mz_min = 0;

/* ================================================== The AHRS/IMU variables ================================================== */
/* Gravity vector constant (align with global Z-axis) */
#define IMU_ACC_Z0          (1)
/* Magnetic vector constant (align with local magnetic vector) */
float_prec IMU_MAG_B0_data[3] = {static_cast<float>(cos(0)), static_cast<float>(sin(0)), 0.000000};
Matrix IMU_MAG_B0(3, 1, IMU_MAG_B0_data);
/* The hard-magnet bias */
float_prec HARD_IRON_BIAS_data[3] = {8.832973, 7.243323, 23.95714};

/* ============================================ UKF variables/function declaration ============================================ */
/* Just example; in konfig.h:
 *  SS_X_LEN = 4
 *  SS_Z_LEN = 6
 *  SS_U_LEN = 3
/* UKF initialization constant -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define P_INIT      (10.)
#define Rv_INIT     (1e-6)
#define Rn_INIT_ACC (0.0015)
#define Rn_INIT_MAG (0.0015)
/* P(k=0) variable -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
float_prec UKF_PINIT_data[SS_X_LEN*SS_X_LEN] = {P_INIT, 0,      0,      0,
                                                0,      P_INIT, 0,      0,
                                                0,      0,      P_INIT, 0,
                                                0,      0,      0,      P_INIT};
/* Q constant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
float_prec UKF_RVINIT_data[SS_X_LEN*SS_X_LEN] = {Rv_INIT, 0,      0,      0,
                                                 0,      Rv_INIT, 0,      0,
                                                 0,      0,      Rv_INIT, 0,
                                                 0,      0,      0,      Rv_INIT};
/* R constant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
float_prec UKF_RNINIT_data[SS_Z_LEN*SS_Z_LEN] = {Rn_INIT_ACC, 0,          0,          0,          0,          0,
                                                 0,          Rn_INIT_ACC, 0,          0,          0,          0,
                                                 0,          0,          Rn_INIT_ACC, 0,          0,          0,
                                                 0,          0,          0,          Rn_INIT_MAG, 0,          0,
                                                 0,          0,          0,          0,          Rn_INIT_MAG, 0,
                                                 0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          Rn_INIT_MAG};
/* Nonlinear & linearization function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool Main_bUpdateNonlinearX(Matrix& X_Next, const Matrix& X, const Matrix& U);
bool Main_bUpdateNonlinearY(Matrix& Y, const Matrix& X, const Matrix& U);

/* UKF variables ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Matrix quaternionData(SS_X_LEN, 1);
Matrix Y(SS_Z_LEN, 1);
Matrix U(SS_U_LEN, 1);
/* UKF system declaration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
UKF UKF_IMU(quaternionData, UKF_PINIT, UKF_RvINIT, UKF_RnINIT, Main_bUpdateNonlinearX, Main_bUpdateNonlinearY);

/* ========================================= Auxiliary variables/function declaration ========================================= */
elapsedMillis timerLed, timerUKF;
uint64_t u64compuTime;
char bufferTxSer[100];
/* The command from the PC */
char cmd;

void getCompass_Data(void)
    I2C_M.writeByte(MPU9150_RA_MAG_ADDRESS, 0x0A, 0x01); //enable the magnetometer
    I2C_M.readBytes(MPU9150_RA_MAG_ADDRESS, MPU9150_RA_MAG_XOUT_L, 6, buffer_m);

    mx = ((int16_t)(buffer_m[1]) << 8) | buffer_m[0] ;
    my = ((int16_t)(buffer_m[3]) << 8) | buffer_m[2] ;
    mz = ((int16_t)(buffer_m[5]) << 8) | buffer_m[4] ;

    Mxyz[0] = (double) mx * 1200 / 4096;
    Mxyz[1] = (double) my * 1200 / 4096;
    Mxyz[2] = (double) mz * 1200 / 4096;

void getHeading(void)
    heading = 180 * atan2(Mxyz[1], Mxyz[0]) / PI;
    if (heading < 0) heading += 360;

void getTiltHeading(void)
    float pitch = asin(-Axyz[0]);
    float roll = asin(Axyz[1] / cos(pitch));

    float xh = Mxyz[0] * cos(pitch) + Mxyz[2] * sin(pitch);
    float yh = Mxyz[0] * sin(roll) * sin(pitch) + Mxyz[1] * cos(roll) - Mxyz[2] * sin(roll) * cos(pitch);
    float zh = -Mxyz[0] * cos(roll) * sin(pitch) + Mxyz[1] * sin(roll) + Mxyz[2] * cos(roll) * cos(pitch);
    tiltheading = 180 * atan2(yh, xh) / PI;
    if (yh < 0)    tiltheading += 360;

void get_one_sample_date_mxyz()
    mx_sample[2] = Mxyz[0];
    my_sample[2] = Mxyz[1];
    mz_sample[2] = Mxyz[2];

void get_calibration_Data ()
    for (int i = 0; i < sample_num_mdate; i++)
        Serial.print(" ");
        Serial.print(my_sample[2]);                            //you can see the sample data here .
        Serial.print(" ");

        if (mx_sample[2] >= mx_sample[1])mx_sample[1] = mx_sample[2];
        if (my_sample[2] >= my_sample[1])my_sample[1] = my_sample[2]; //find max value
        if (mz_sample[2] >= mz_sample[1])mz_sample[1] = mz_sample[2];

        if (mx_sample[2] <= mx_sample[0])mx_sample[0] = mx_sample[2];
        if (my_sample[2] <= my_sample[0])my_sample[0] = my_sample[2]; //find min value
        if (mz_sample[2] <= mz_sample[0])mz_sample[0] = mz_sample[2];


    mx_max = mx_sample[1];
    my_max = my_sample[1];
    mz_max = mz_sample[1];

    mx_min = mx_sample[0];
    my_min = my_sample[0];
    mz_min = mz_sample[0];

    mx_centre = (mx_max + mx_min) / 2;
    my_centre = (my_max + my_min) / 2;
    mz_centre = (mz_max + mz_min) / 2;


void getAccel_Data(void)
    accelerationGyro.getMotion9(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz, &mx, &my, &mz);
    Axyz[0] = (double) ax / 16384;
    Axyz[1] = (double) ay / 16384;
    Axyz[2] = (double) az / 16384;

void getGyro_Data(void)
    accelerationGyro.getMotion9(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz, &mx, &my, &mz);
    Gxyz[0] = (double) gx * 250 / 32768;
    Gxyz[1] = (double) gy * 250 / 32768;
    Gxyz[2] = (double) gz * 250 / 32768;

void getCompassDate_calibrated ()
    Mxyz[0] = Mxyz[0] - mx_centre;
    Mxyz[1] = Mxyz[1] - my_centre;
    Mxyz[2] = Mxyz[2] - mz_centre;

/* Function to interface with the Processing script in the PC */
void serialFloatPrint(float f) {
    byte * b = (byte *) &f;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        byte b1 = (b[i] >> 4) & 0x0f;
        byte b2 = (b[i] & 0x0f);

        char c1 = (b1 < 10) ? ('0' + b1) : 'A' + b1 - 10;
        char c2 = (b2 < 10) ? ('0' + b2) : 'A' + b2 - 10;


void setup() {
    /* Serial initialization -------------------------------------- */
    Serial.println("Calibrating IMU bias...");
    Serial.println("Calibrating IMU bias...");
    Serial.println("Calibrating IMU bias...");
    Serial.println("Calibrating IMU bias...");
    Serial.println("Calibrating IMU bias...");
    Serial.println("Calibrating IMU bias...");

    /* IMU initialization ----------------------------------------- */
    /* initzialize IMU */

    //verify connection
    Serial.println("Testing device connections...");
    Serial.println(accelerationGyro.testConnection() ? "MPU9250 Connection successful" : "MPU9250 connection failed");

    /* UKF initialization ----------------------------------------- */
    /* x(k=0) = [1 0 0 0]' */
    quaternionData[0][0] = 1.0;
    UKF_IMU.vReset(quaternionData, UKF_PINIT, UKF_RvINIT, UKF_RnINIT);

    snprintf(bufferTxSer, sizeof(bufferTxSer)-1, "UKF in Teensy 4.0 (%s)\r\n",
             (FPU_PRECISION == PRECISION_SINGLE)?"Float32":"Double64");

void loop() {

    if (timerUKF >= SS_DT_MILIS) {
        timerUKF = 0;

        /* ================== Read the sensor data / simulate the system here ================== */
        /* Read the raw data */
        float Ax = Axyz[0];
        float Ay = Axyz[1];
        float Az = Axyz[2];
        float Bx = Mxyz[0];
        float By = Mxyz[1];
        float Bz = Mxyz[2];
        float p = Gxyz[0];
        float q = Gxyz[1];
        float r = Gxyz[2];
//        float p = IMU.getGyroX_rads();
//        float q = IMU.getGyroY_rads();
//        float r = IMU.getGyroZ_rads();
        /* Input 1:3 = gyroscope */
        U[0][0] = p;  U[1][0] = q;  U[2][0] = r;
        /* Output 1:3 = accelerometer */
        Y[0][0] = Ax; Y[1][0] = Ay; Y[2][0] = Az;
        /* Output 4:6 = magnetometer */
        Y[3][0] = Bx; Y[4][0] = By; Y[5][0] = Bz;

        /* Compensating Hard-Iron Bias for magnetometer */
        Y[3][0] = Y[3][0]-HARD_IRON_BIAS[0][0];
        Y[4][0] = Y[4][0]-HARD_IRON_BIAS[1][0];
        Y[5][0] = Y[5][0]-HARD_IRON_BIAS[2][0];

        /* Normalizing the output vector */
        float_prec _normG = sqrt(Y[0][0] * Y[0][0]) + (Y[1][0] * Y[1][0]) + (Y[2][0] * Y[2][0]);
        Y[0][0] = Y[0][0] / _normG;
        Y[1][0] = Y[1][0] / _normG;
        Y[2][0] = Y[2][0] / _normG;
        float_prec _normM = sqrt(Y[3][0] * Y[3][0]) + (Y[4][0] * Y[4][0]) + (Y[5][0] * Y[5][0]);
        Y[3][0] = Y[3][0] / _normM;
        Y[4][0] = Y[4][0] / _normM;
        Y[5][0] = Y[5][0] / _normM;
        /* ------------------ Read the sensor data / simulate the system here ------------------ */

        /* ============================= Update the Kalman Filter ============================== */
        u64compuTime = micros();
        if (!UKF_IMU.bUpdate(Y, U)) {
            quaternionData[0][0] = 1.0;
            UKF_IMU.vReset(quaternionData, UKF_PINIT, UKF_RvINIT, UKF_RnINIT);
            Serial.println("Whoop ");
        u64compuTime = (micros() - u64compuTime);
        /* ----------------------------- Update the Kalman Filter ------------------------------ */

    /* The serial data is sent by responding to command from the PC running Processing scipt */
    if (Serial.available()) {
        cmd =;
        if (cmd == 'v') {
            snprintf(bufferTxSer, sizeof(bufferTxSer)-1, "UKF in Teensy 4.0 (%s)\r\n",
                     (FPU_PRECISION == PRECISION_SINGLE)?"Float32":"Double64");
        } else if (cmd == 'q') {
            /* =========================== Print to serial (for plotting) ========================== */
            quaternionData = UKF_IMU.GetX();

            while (!Serial.available());
            uint8_t count =;
            for (uint8_t _i = 0; _i < count; _i++) {
                serialFloatPrint((float) u64compuTime);
            /* --------------------------- Print to serial (for plotting) -------------------------- */

bool Main_bUpdateNonlinearX(Matrix& X_Next, const Matrix& X, const Matrix& U)
    /* Insert the nonlinear update transformation here
     *          x(k+1) = f[x(k), u(k)]
     * The quaternion update function:
     *  q0_dot = 1/2. * (  0   - p*q1 - q*q2 - r*q3)
     *  q1_dot = 1/2. * ( p*q0 +   0  + r*q2 - q*q3)
     *  q2_dot = 1/2. * ( q*q0 - r*q1 +  0   + p*q3)
     *  q3_dot = 1/2. * ( r*q0 + q*q1 - p*q2 +  0  )
     * Euler method for integration:
     *  q0 = q0 + q0_dot * dT;
     *  q1 = q1 + q1_dot * dT;
     *  q2 = q2 + q2_dot * dT;
     *  q3 = q3 + q3_dot * dT;
    float_prec q0, q1, q2, q3;
    float_prec p, q, r;

    q0 = X[0][0];
    q1 = X[1][0];
    q2 = X[2][0];
    q3 = X[3][0];

    p = U[0][0];
    q = U[1][0];
    r = U[2][0];

    X_Next[0][0] = (0.5 * (+0.00 -p*q1 -q*q2 -r*q3))*SS_DT + q0;
    X_Next[1][0] = (0.5 * (+p*q0 +0.00 +r*q2 -q*q3))*SS_DT + q1;
    X_Next[2][0] = (0.5 * (+q*q0 -r*q1 +0.00 +p*q3))*SS_DT + q2;
    X_Next[3][0] = (0.5 * (+r*q0 +q*q1 -p*q2 +0.00))*SS_DT + q3;

    /* ======= Additional ad-hoc quaternion normalization to make sure the quaternion is a unit vector (i.e. ||q|| = 1) ======= */
    if (!X_Next.bNormVector()) {
        /* System error, return false, so we can reset the UKF */
        return false;

    return true;

bool Main_bUpdateNonlinearY(Matrix& Y, const Matrix& X, const Matrix& U)
    /* Insert the nonlinear measurement transformation here
     *          y(k)   = h[x(k), u(k)]
     * The measurement output is the gravitational and magnetic projection to the body:
     *     DCM     = [(+(q0**2)+(q1**2)-(q2**2)-(q3**2)),                    2*(q1*q2+q0*q3),                    2*(q1*q3-q0*q2)]
     *               [                   2*(q1*q2-q0*q3), (+(q0**2)-(q1**2)+(q2**2)-(q3**2)),                    2*(q2*q3+q0*q1)]
     *               [                   2*(q1*q3+q0*q2),                    2*(q2*q3-q0*q1), (+(q0**2)-(q1**2)-(q2**2)+(q3**2))]
     *  G_proj_sens = DCM * [0 0 1]             --> Gravitational projection to the accelerometer sensor
     *  M_proj_sens = DCM * [Mx My Mz]          --> (Earth) magnetic projection to the magnetometer sensor
    float_prec q0, q1, q2, q3;
    float_prec q0_2, q1_2, q2_2, q3_2;

    q0 = X[0][0];
    q1 = X[1][0];
    q2 = X[2][0];
    q3 = X[3][0];

    q0_2 = q0 * q0;
    q1_2 = q1 * q1;
    q2_2 = q2 * q2;
    q3_2 = q3 * q3;

    Y[0][0] = (2*q1*q3 -2*q0*q2) * IMU_ACC_Z0;

    Y[1][0] = (2*q2*q3 +2*q0*q1) * IMU_ACC_Z0;

    Y[2][0] = (+(q0_2) -(q1_2) -(q2_2) +(q3_2)) * IMU_ACC_Z0;

    Y[3][0] = (+(q0_2)+(q1_2)-(q2_2)-(q3_2)) * IMU_MAG_B0[0][0]
              +(2*(q1*q2+q0*q3)) * IMU_MAG_B0[1][0]
              +(2*(q1*q3-q0*q2)) * IMU_MAG_B0[2][0];

    Y[4][0] = (2*(q1*q2-q0*q3)) * IMU_MAG_B0[0][0]
              +(+(q0_2)-(q1_2)+(q2_2)-(q3_2)) * IMU_MAG_B0[1][0]
              +(2*(q2*q3+q0*q1)) * IMU_MAG_B0[2][0];

    Y[5][0] = (2*(q1*q3+q0*q2)) * IMU_MAG_B0[0][0]
              +(2*(q2*q3-q0*q1)) * IMU_MAG_B0[1][0]
              +(+(q0_2)-(q1_2)-(q2_2)+(q3_2)) * IMU_MAG_B0[2][0];

    return true;

void SPEW_THE_ERROR(char const * str)
    cout << (str) << endl;
    /* Silent function */

Most of the code is copied from the imu example with some changes from me concerning the I2C and MPU libraries (I use those provided by Seeed Studio).

Is there any way to drastically reduce the Memory usage without using another chip?

If you need any more information don't hesitate to ask, I don't open that many issues...

saumik02 commented 5 months ago

Could you solve your problem ??

wtfamidoingrn commented 3 months ago

Not really, I eventually resorted to sending all measurement data via a serial connection to my laptop, filtering there and sending instructions back.

saumik02 commented 2 months ago

I want to implement it in esp32. It has more speed and space. Can you help me by providing some codes and also which library should i install?

wtfamidoingrn commented 2 months ago

Hi, I just quickly uploaded most of the project here. Since this was more of a side project over a year ago, I honestly don't really know what is going on in that codebase. I hope this does help you in some kind of form anyways.

I think all the used libraries are specified in platformio.ini but are not uploaded to the repository so you might have to figure out how to get them...