prongbang / screen_protector

Safe Data Leakage via Application Background Screenshot and Prevent Screenshot for Android and iOS.
MIT License
39 stars 18 forks source link

Could not find com.github.prongbang:screen-protector:1.0.0. #8

Closed rehanyousaf447 closed 1 year ago

rehanyousaf447 commented 2 years ago

This plugin (1.1.1) is not working on flutter 3.0 as dependencies was not able to found from "com.github.prongbang:screen-protector:1.0.0" After adding this code in project level build.gradle , then it started working fine:

  maven {
        url ""
MohamedJalal28 commented 1 year ago

This plugin (1.1.1) is not working on flutter 3.0 as dependencies was not able to found from "com.github.prongbang:screen-protector:1.0.0" After adding this code in project level build.gradle , then it started working fine:

  maven {
        url ""

I add this one but after got stuck with white screen from where i put ScreenProtector.preventScreenshotOn();

Not working fine ScreenProtector.preventScreenshotOn();

sejun2 commented 1 year ago

Same here. on android, just a white screen appears...

cnkygmr commented 1 year ago

Same here. on android, just a white screen appears...

sejun2 commented 1 year ago

Same here. on android, just a white screen appears...

I just removed new added logic from android side, then it works now.

MalikSamiAwan commented 1 year ago

same here does anyone find any solution for that?

prongbang commented 1 year ago

Fixed 1.1.5

Thank you for report 👍