This allows non Event Machine based apps to provide a similar JSON Schema and make use of the same frontend. I need to finish some other tasks first before I can start working on the editor:
Open tasks with high prio:
[x] First dev version of event-store-mgmt-ui should be published first, to collect feedback early
[x] Update proophessor-do to expressive 3.0 and integrate event-store-http-middleware
[x] Set up event-store-mgmt-ui for proophessor-do
[x] Spread the word about this awesome new tool
Tasks related to Schema UI
[ ] Backend services should be configurable in event-store-mgmt-ui
[ ] event-store-http-api endpoint
[ ] message schema endpoint (optional)
[ ] messagebox endpoint (optional)
[ ] Schema Editor should support two modes: a "raw" mode to send messages as simple JSON objects and a "schema connected mode" that is only available if a message schema endpoint is configured and the schema returned by that endpoint is valid
[ ] API documentation viewer if message schema endpoint is configured
Additional tasks
[ ] Expand message-flow-analyzer to generate such JSON Schema when scanning a project
With and @camuthig laid the foundation to consume an API description (a JSON Schema) of an Event Machine powered service. The plan is to use that description in a frontend app to generate an API documentation as well as an editor to send messages and see the results.
The app should work in a similar way like the available GraphQL clients.
My plan is to integrate the functionality in the event-store-mgmt-ui.
This allows non Event Machine based apps to provide a similar JSON Schema and make use of the same frontend. I need to finish some other tasks first before I can start working on the editor:
Open tasks with high prio:
Tasks related to Schema UI
Additional tasks