propbank / propbank-release

The official released annotations, both in .prop pointer format and as conll files. Does not contain the source texts
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Difference with respect to AMR roles #1

Closed danielhers closed 7 years ago

danielhers commented 7 years ago

I am aware of the fact that AMR has special rolesets ending in -91, but I noticed there is also at least one difference in "normal" rolesets. Specifically, ablate.01 has only roles 0, 1 and 2, but in AMR it also has role number 3. This role is used, for example, in AMR bel_pmid_1222_6756.17894 in the BioAMR data set:

(c2 / cause-01
      :ARG0 (s / suppress-01
            :ARG1 (t2 / transcribe-01
                  :ARG1 p))
      :ARG1 (a / ablate-01
            :ARG1 (e3 / express-03
                  :ARG2 (p / protein :name (n3 / name :op1 "RALT")))
            :ARG3 (m / molecular-physical-entity
                  :ARG0-of (i2 / inhibit-01
                        :ARG1 (e2 / enzyme :name (n2 / name :op1 "MEK-1")))))
      :ARG1-of (i3 / indicate-01
            :ARG0 (a2 / analyze-01
                  :instrument (t3 / thing :name (n4 / name :op1 "Northern" :op2 "blot"))
                  :ARG1-of (p2 / present-01
                        :location (f / figure :mod 3)))))

Are the PropBank frame files out of date, or does AMR use a different set of frames, as opposed to what is said in the README?

danielhers commented 7 years ago

Moved to propbank/propbank-frames#1