propelorm / Propel2

Propel2 is an open-source high-performance Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) for modern PHP
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fixtures with self references #740

Open glensc opened 10 years ago

glensc commented 10 years ago

seems fixtures dump creates fixture in order that it can later not load:

$ app/console propel:fixtures:load --dir=fixtures/fixtures1 --connection=mds -vvv
No SQL fixtures found.
No XML fixtures found.
[2014-09-19 15:08:15] app.INFO: DELETE FROM `customer` [] []
[2014-09-19 15:08:15] app.INFO: DELETE FROM `customer` [] []
array(0) {
string(34) "MDS\\Model\\Customer_Customer_552882"

  [Propel] Exception                                                                               

  The object "Customer_552882" from class "\MDS\Model\Customer" is not defined in your data file.  

$ cat fixtures/fixtures1/test.yml 

        state: active
        merged_id: Customer_552882
        created: '1402224114'
        last_modified: '1402224114'

        state: active
        created: '1407191043'
        last_modified: '1407191043'

if i swap items order, then it starts to work, i.e problem with self references

seems similar problem exist if it tries to delete whole table, for example after the fixture has been loaded, load it again:

[2014-09-20 13:22:21] app.INFO: DELETE FROM `customer` [] []
[2014-09-20 13:22:21] app.ERROR: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1451 Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`mds`.`customer`, CONSTRAINT `customer_fk_31a814` FOREIGN KEY (`merged_id`) REFERENCES `customer` (`id`)) [] []
glensc commented 10 years ago

my proposals:

as it's not always possible to reorder items so they are declared first before being used (if more complex relations are used)

the second problem with delete from table can be hacked to reset merged_id before fixture load:

update customer set merged_id=null;

but that's complicated, so instead maybe disable FK checks, like mysqldump does:

DELETE FROM `customer`;
marcj commented 10 years ago

Although there's no Propel 1/2 adapter yet for, I'm considering rather to throw out our fixtures loader and reference to the more powerful fixtures loader of nelmio. Writing a Adapter for Propel in Alice would be easy. WDYT @propelorm/propel ? Would be a maintainance less and we have a better fixtures loader to show.

havvg commented 10 years ago

+1 on the adapter.

staabm commented 10 years ago

:+1: alice is awesome and having less classes in propel would be a great thing.

fzaninotto commented 9 years ago

:+1: great idea

dereuromark commented 4 years ago

Is someone able to make a PR here with suggested changes?