propelorm / Propel3

High performance data-mapper ORM with optional active-record traits for RAD and modern PHP 7.2+
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Adopt psr-4 #63

Closed gossi closed 5 years ago

gossi commented 7 years ago

Propel still makes use of psr-0, although it's basically deprecated. Would be easy to use psr-4 with autoload and secondly use autoload-dev to load code for tests. Would also flatten directories.

stevleibelt commented 6 years ago

I gave it a try but it wasn't a funny one and I am a bit unhappy with the current status of this project since Propel1 is still my favorite ORM in PHP.

Why do I need to add the line

"minimum-stability": "dev",

to my composer.json file to install all dependencies. From my point of view, it isn't good to have this manual trap since it will maybe scare off developers to push a change or let them push "I think it is working" changes.

Locally and out of the box, I am not able to run all tests (never before or after my change). After that I thought, how could I improve that? I must admit, I am currently not deep enough into this project to answer that question. But as a small step, I've created a "" script in /bin which contains the content of the Makefile as executable.

How can we easily enable running unit tests? Provide a docker-compose.yml with a stack of: