propensive / fury-old

A new build tool for JVM languages
Apache License 2.0
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Consider supporting Sdkman #1281

Open odisseus opened 4 years ago

odisseus commented 4 years ago

Sdkman is a tool that manages various development environments. I just learned about its existence, but it seems to have attracted some interest.

It would be nice if that tool allowed the users to install Fury along with Java, IPFS and any other dependencies.

propensive commented 4 years ago

Agreed. Having Fury install its own versions of these dependencies should be a last resort. We can add Graal Native Image to that list. The one exception is Java, where we may need to ensure an exact minor version because a build depends on it (#158) but that's not even a feature of Fury yet.

veyga commented 4 years ago

I use this tool alot for messing around with different scala and Java versions, it's neat. Sdkman could be done in the near future, but I think that a docker image is a must. I think the average user is more comfortable with tinkering a new piece of software if its containerized, rather than adding more dotfiles to home directories.