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Listings Import - Home and Lack Package Listings #127

Closed galenp closed 7 years ago

galenp commented 7 years ago

Update - May 2017

We've taken matters into our own hands and added support for the spec breaking element isHomeAndLandPackage.

This was done in the 1.5.0 version of the REAXml component. And was included in the 0.15.3 version of the Platform

I also contacted REA about this matter again and they acknowledged that they did not have an ETA on resolution.

Issue closed based on workaround.

Reported By

Belle Qld Properties



REA reported errors during the upload with the following message: Category: Existing New Homes for Sale listing cannot be transferred to Residential category

Issue Confirmation


The element that flags a listing as a home and land type is isHomeLandPackage as defined in the REAXML spec here and DTD here..

Property Compass complies with the spec and DTD and even validates the generated XML against the DTD when creating files.

The problem is that REA's own exported file was not to spec and incorrectly spelt and positioned the element. rea_export_original DTD dtd_ishomeland

I've emailed REA regarding their non spec XML before but go reply.

I've sent another email on this issue today.

galenp commented 7 years ago

The client has been asked to update the listings to be Home and Land construction in Property Compass. This will then upload to REA with the correct flag and the client facing issue will be resolved.

The technical problem still remains