propertyhive / WP-Property-Hive

The complete estate agency software plugin for WordPress
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Multilingual tags #193

Open SpinDreams opened 2 years ago

SpinDreams commented 2 years ago

Great plugin just need to be able to edit Custom fields in multiple languages, with polylang installed I can make everything else work great but then Custom fields do not work and can't be translated. I am having to run two sites to get two languages and would much rather it was all in one.

propertyhive commented 2 years ago

Are you able confirm what you mean by 'custom fields'? The custom fields set under 'Property hive > Settings > Custom Fields'? Or the custom fields added using the Template Assistant add on under 'Property Hive > Settings > Template Assistant > Additional Fields'?

Any screenshots or examples on how to recreate the issue would be appreciated too.

Thanks, Steve

SpinDreams commented 2 years ago

Property hive > Settings > Custom Fields,

So things like Availabilities and property types what are used in search and displayed to the visitor. This is the pair of websites I would love to combine and I don't use the additional fields part of template assistant but I would guess that could also be in need of being translatable.

SpinDreams commented 2 years ago

A screen shot would not really help as nothing changes on those pages when I am using Polylang plugin to translate the rest of the website. Basically, it would be nice if those sections used the standard post type interface which allows polylang to add a translation function. When polylang in running none of the lists populate in your search bar as the entries do not have a language assigned, I confirmed this as I used TaxoPress plugin to directly edit the property hive custom fields allowing me to assign a language to them and they then started showing up in the search bar dropdowns. however this screwed up other things and the site become corrupted somewhere so I had to restore a backup.

propertyhive commented 2 years ago

Hi Sam,

Taxonomies output in search form dropdowns are ran through the __() function:

As a result it should be possible to translate them.


SpinDreams commented 2 years ago

Okay so let's say I am using polylang I have two languages, a main language (english) and a second language (Italian), how do I translate the custom fields for those viewing it Italian?

propertyhive commented 2 years ago

I'm afraid I'm not aware of Polylang or how it works. Have you spoke to the Polylang guys? At the end of the day all we do is pass a string through the __() function so it can be translated. Surely it's up the translation plugin to show the correct string based on the language being viewed?

SpinDreams commented 2 years ago

Really, i thought it was a pretty popular plugin for making multi-language websites. I hear what you say but I still dont know how to translate those custom field strings. This should not be this hard. I would suggest you setup a test environment with polylang to see how it works. It does have string translation but it does not show strings from your plugin. Normally it creates copies of the entries with each assigned a language, when you switch language, it only shows those entries for that language.