prophecymud / ideas

Ideas for gameplay improvements. A replacement for the in-game Idea board.
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autospell/quickcast #107

Open prophnoran opened 4 years ago

prophnoran commented 4 years ago

Motivation: A lot of combat for casters, especially against mobs, involves spamming one or more dracs.

Idea Overview: Create a command that automatically casts a spell when you come out of lag

Rough draft details:

A new command quickcast which takes an argument which is a spell (e.g., quickcast lightning bolt). As soon as you issue this command it is 'armed'. Then as soon as you are in combat, you will cast the spell every time you are out of combat lag, as long as it is 'armed'. The following things 'disarm' the player, returning them to the typical state:

The "as soon as you are in combat" bit has as a consequence that you can execute this command while /already/ in combat, whereupon you start casting immediately; or beforehand.

Finally, executing quickcast with no argument while disarmed re-arms you with whatever spell you used last time.