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Custom Browser-Based MUD client for Prophecy #3

Open Vordai-of-Prophecy opened 4 years ago

Vordai-of-Prophecy commented 4 years ago

Ok, this is on the heavy-duty end, but it's really nice to have this feature to offer both new and returning players who are not likely to have a mud client installed and configured. Right now we can point to the MudPortal client, and Grapevine's, but I think it would be better to not rely on external sources for this sort of thing -- no one seems to be able to access the MudPortal Prophecy account, and Prophecy isn't even searchable on their site. And of course having control of a browser-based client means we could configure it specifically to Prophecy. Just a thought.

Ranfir commented 4 years ago

Move to, please?

Ranfir commented 4 years ago

From a brief search that I did on this, I gather that we would need a WebSocket to TCP proxy if we want the browser's client to connect via telnet.

Would it be feasible to support a direct WebSocket connection to GoProph instead?

anhegofcherek commented 4 years ago

Would it be feasible to support a direct WebSocket connection to GoProph instead?

@Ranfir Long-term yes, but that probably requires me putting a fair bit of work in to get the concurrency etc. right (see also: why the embedded webserver patch I did isn't live yet)

anhegofcherek commented 4 years ago feels VERY slick - I think I'll chuck that somewhere