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六四事件天安门学潮1989视频照片九八学运 Tiananmen Square protests Videos and photos #361

Open Francis-Komizu opened 2 months ago

Francis-Komizu commented 2 months ago六四事件

六四事件天安门学潮1989视频照片 Tiananmen Square protests Videos and photos

Hu Yaobang memorial

1989-04-22 |

反对暴力! Oppose violence! 保障人权! Guarantee human rights! 爱国无罪! Patriotism is not a crime! 暴行可耻! Brutality is shameful! 言论自由! Freedom of speech! 解除报禁! Abolish censorship! 耀邦不朽! Hu Yaobang lives on!


Tiananmen sea jpg

Pu Zhiqiang tshirt jpg

柴玲人民日报,胡说八道!演讲 Chai Ling People's Daily Full of nonsense Speech Mid 1989-05 月中

人民日报,胡说八道! 欺骗人民,良心何在! 不是不报,时候不到! People's Daily, Full of nonsense Lying to the people, Where's your conscience? You may think you're safe, But your time will come.


Tiananmen students sitting jpg

Tiananmen cute girls jpg

红领巾刺猬抗议者 Hedgehog red scarf protester Tiananmen_hedgehog.mp4

Tiananmen troop truck night jpg


男子: 解放军官兵们,我请求你们,我作为一个学生代表请求你们:拿出你们的正义和勇气,作一个人民的军队、人民的子弟兵,而不要为一小撮人所左右,作一小撮人的狗腿,作中华民族的罪人! Man: PLA officers and soldiers, I beg you, and as a student representative, I beg you: show your justice and courage, and be a people's army and soldiers of the people's sons and brothers [the students protesting], instead of being dominated by a small group of people, being the henchman of a small group, becoming criminals of the Chinese nation! 妇女: 你们知道吗?!我们在做什么你们知道吗?!解放军兄弟,你们是保护人民、保护学生的,你们不能来镇压他们,你们不能这样,不能这样! Woman: Do you know?! What are we doing you know?! Brothers in the People's Liberation Army, you protect the people and students, you can't come to suppress them, you can't do this, you can't do this!


Students dancing by Mark Avery says may 22. also says may 22.

Tiananmen sculpt goddess webp

Tiananmen old lady webp

Liu Xiaobo Tiananmen 1989 06 02 jpg

Tiananmen announce soldiers webp

Tiananmen girl strife jpg

Tiananmen coke jpg

Li at Tiananmen Eyebeams jpg


学生:刽子手!解放军:开枪!六四 Student: "Murderers!". PLA: fires back! 1989-06-04 Tiananmen_taunt.mp4

这是一个同学的血 Blood of a classmate blood-of-classmate.mp4

这是一个同学的血,我没有受伤。我抬着同学的时候,那个同学脖子后面一股股的热血,我堵也堵不住,我用两块毛巾都没有堵住。他嘴里也是血,满脸都是血。 This is the blood of a classmate, I am not hurt. When I was carrying my classmate, the back of the classmate's neck was full of hot blood, and I couldn't stop it. I didn't stop it with two towels. There was blood in his mouth and blood all over his face.

Tiananmen helmet jpg

Tiananmen crushed dead jpg

Tiananmen Shuili Hospital dead jpg


后果 Aftermath

Tiananmen message board cleanup webp

六四证人肖斌 Tiananmen witness Xiao Bin

他怎么去代表人的政府,政府没有这样用坦克车、用装甲车,对这么多学生进行履带压 How can this Government claim to represent the people? A government doesn't use tanks like this, doesn't use armored vehicles like this, to advance towards so many students and crush them under the vehicle's tracks?


Tiananmen bicycle bridge jpg

Tiananmen crying mother webp

Tiananmen bullet jpg

TODO identify date, photographer

Gay victory by Stuart Franklin as usual, a source:

All power belongs to the people, 北大西方语系 (Department of Western Languages of the Peking University) a source: May 25th

Hello, Mr. democracy 德先生,你好 a source There's a Baidu page:德先生/5441810 but it forgot to mention Tiananmen.

坦克人 Tank man 1989-06-04 tankman-small2.mp4

Tank Man jpg

Tank Man new longshot Stuart Franklin jpg

Tank Man ground level jpg

Tank Man ducks jpg

Lego Tank Man png

Tank Man FF6 jpg

   Tank Man                         |
   by Ciro Santilli          00     |
   2021 CC-BY-SA 4.0          \\  +-|-+
                               \\/   /|-+o
                                \\--+ / /o
                               /|\\ |/ /oo
                        |     / ----- /oo
                        |    /       /oo
                        |   +-------+oo
                        |   oo+---+ooo
                 00     |   oo     oo
                  \\  +-|-+
                   \\/   /|-+o
                    \\--+ / /o
                   /|\\ |/ /oo
            |     / ----- /oo
            |    /       /oo
            |   +-------+oo
            |   oo+---+ooo
     00     |   oo     oo
      \\  +-|-+
       \\/   /|-+o
        \\--+ / /o
       /|\\ |/ /oo
      / ----- /oo
     /       /oo
    oo     oo

Tank Man drawing by Ciro Santilli CC BY SA png

Tank Man drawing censored by Ciro Santilli CC BY SA png

Identify audio, what is 碾

erase-tankman erase-tankman

With audio: erase-tankman.mp4

Chicken and nugget tank man:


学运致敬 Tiananmen hommage

Tiananmen six four hand gesture

坦克人歌曲,作曲家:徐琳,我是坦克人站在天安门 Tank man song by Xu Lin tankman-song-small.mp4

我是坦克人 I am Tank Man 站在天安门 I stand at Tiananmen 面对坦克车队 I face the tank column 从容挺出身 I calmly come and stand (? confirm) 广场人潮涌 A tide of people has rushed the square 群情正沸腾 The feelings of the people are boiling right now (正 == short of 正在?) 发出正义呼声 The voice of justice is calling 结束一党专政 To finish the One Party Dictatorship 国家人人有份 Everyone has a share of the country 岂容他们独吞 How can we put up with them taking more than their fair share? (岂容) 自由天赋权利 Free natural rights 岂可葬于铁轮 How can they be buried under the Iron Wheel? 谁挡了谁的路 Who is standing on whose way? 谁是谁的敌人 Who is whose enemy? 谁是正义一方 Who is on the side of the righteous? 谁是历史罪人 And who are the enemies of History? 你们的枪炮是人民造 Your guns were made by the People 你们的俸禄是民脂民膏 Your salaries were paid by the people's taxes 为什么枪口对着人民 So why are the guns being pointed at the people? 犯下这罪恶天理难饶 Those who commit this crime, can hardly be forgiven by the Heavenly Principles 民主是世界的必行之道 Democracy is a necessary Path of the world 实行了民主大家都好 Once democracy is implemented, everyone will be better off 不要做独裁的镇压工具 Don't be a tool of suppression of the Dictatorship 还不快停车把头调 Quickly stop the tanks, and correct your point of view

六四之前 Before Tiananmen

May Fourth Movement

西单民主墙 Xidan Democracy Wall 1979魏京生-第五个现代化.md