Open jonasfroeller opened 6 months ago
vanilla-chat and sveltekit-chat can help with that.
waiting for
Declaration of WebSocket\Client::setLogger(Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger): WebSocket\Client must be compatible with Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface::setLogger(Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger): void
Property type not supported in Livewire for property: [{}]
Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded PHP is blocking
Connection opened for chat room $2y$12$W3pHWdAtePn1wjCm4.t4xO9lY9jOcu8/5SC0bDEsaAfSB8pKA5k.K
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Connection closed for chat room $2y$12$W3pHWdAtePn1wjCm4.t4xO9lY9jOcu8/5SC0bDEsaAfSB8pKA5k.K
Connection opened for chat room $2y$12$IDPqikVpYsvrba6yJ8zyxe.iMpotiWVjT0opH2Mdo9PuVZfsAqmrO
Connection errored for chat room $2y$12$IDPqikVpYsvrba6yJ8zyxe.iMpotiWVjT0opH2Mdo9PuVZfsAqmrO
Connection closed for chat room $2y$12$IDPqikVpYsvrba6yJ8zyxe.iMpotiWVjT0opH2Mdo9PuVZfsAqmrO
Connection closed for chat room $2y$12$IDPqikVpYsvrba6yJ8zyxe.iMpotiWVjT0opH2Mdo9PuVZfsAqmrO
Connection errored for chat room y$IDPqikVpYsvrba6yJ8zyxe.iMpotiWVjT0opH2Mdo9PuVZfsAqmrO ErrorEvent {
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message: "No response from ping frame.",
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onopen: [Function (anonymous)]
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send: [Function: send]
Invalid status code 401.
WebSocket \ Exception\ HandshakeException
Connection opened for chat room $2y$12$W3pHWdAtePn1wjCm4.t4xO9lY9jOcu8/5SC0bDEsaAfSB8pKA5k.K
Connection errored for chat room $2y$12$W3pHWdAtePn1wjCm4.t4xO9lY9jOcu8/5SC0bDEsaAfSB8pKA5k.K
Connection closed for chat room $2y$12$W3pHWdAtePn1wjCm4.t4xO9lY9jOcu8/5SC0bDEsaAfSB8pKA5k.K
error: Uncaught (in promise) InvalidStateError: readyState not OPEN
send: (source) => socket.send(source),