prosekit / prosekit

Framework agnostic and headless rich text editor
MIT License
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Notes for Nuxt #519

Open ManUtopiK opened 3 weeks ago

ManUtopiK commented 3 weeks ago

Not really an issue. Just notes. Here a working demo.

Add typescript

We need to add typescript in dev dependencies otherwise Nuxt complains about VueNodeViewProps. Don't know why, I thought that Nuxt already embed typescript.


pnpm add -D typescript

Set client only

As Nuxt build the app in SSR, we need to rename editor.vue to editor.client.vue, or wrap the ProseKit component with the <client-only>. Otherwise, the html of prosekit is provided at build time and components like inline menu or block handle doesn't trigger after hydration.

Add button reset

Somewhere your style, add :

button {
  border: none;
ManUtopiK commented 3 weeks ago

In fact there is an issue. From the demo bellow, write something in the editor and open the console to see an error :


This error didn't happen with 0.6.10. I've take a look but don't understand where it comes from. This error doesn't appear when we remove all components : inline menu, block handle... In fact, it's caused by const editor = useEditor<EditorExtension>({ update: true }). Removing update: true don't trigger this error, but break updating the content.

ManUtopiK commented 3 weeks ago

Wrapping in an onMounted prevent this issue :

let editor: any
onMounted(() => {
  editor = useEditor<EditorExtension>({ update: true })
ocavue commented 3 weeks ago

We need to add typescript in dev dependencies otherwise Nuxt complains about VueNodeViewProps.

I'm not a Nuxt expert, but I think adding typescript in dev dependencies is a good idea in general for any TypeScript projects. Explicit is better than implicit.

The html of prosekit is provided at build time and components like inline menu or block handle doesn't trigger after hydration.

In general, for a heavy component that depends on browser APIs like rich-text editor, it's a good idea to skip server-side rendering for it.

However, I don't understand why only the inline menu and block handle are broken. It's interesting and I will investigate it.

Somewhere your style, add:

button {
  border: none;

I don't want to alter the global styles, but I can add border-transparent to every needed component.

Uncaught (in promise) Error: Editor is already mounted

I will investigate it.

ManUtopiK commented 3 weeks ago

My onMounted hack is not ideal, all commands no longer work. Still with Nuxt, I've rollback to 0.6.10 and confirm that the Error: Editor is already mounted doesn't occur.