For me, Top-Down enumeration means a person walking in a tunnel with a light at the end.
Long Description (up to 3 sentences)
In program synthesis, for top-down, I need to go down the tree until I find the correct program. The process is very long and arduous, but I will eventually find the right answer. I wanted to represent the process as a tunnel with an end in sight.
Mincheol Kwon
Tool You Used
Bing Image Creator
Short Description
For me, Top-Down enumeration means a person walking in a tunnel with a light at the end.
Long Description (up to 3 sentences)
In program synthesis, for top-down, I need to go down the tree until I find the correct program. The process is very long and arduous, but I will eventually find the right answer. I wanted to represent the process as a tunnel with an end in sight.