prosyslab-classroom / cs524-program-analysis

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[Question][Hw5] order, join of PowSet #196

Closed HLe4s-kaist closed 6 months ago

HLe4s-kaist commented 7 months ago

Name: ChanU Kang

I am going through the codes given by hw5. but in moduel PowSet, there are some functions, order, join which I should implemented and they doens't have any parameter.

so, I expected, 'let order p1 p2 = failwith "Not implemented"' but It is 'let order = failwith "Not implemented"' and I'm not allowed to change the function type. except let to let rec.

So this code involve that I must implement join or order of PowSet without any parameter. But I can't imagine the way to compare without anything to compare or merge without anything to merge.

Is this intented definition? Is there a way to do this end?


Can I change it? because the actual type of order is 'val order : t -> t -> bool', as in CPO signature which is implemented by the PosSet?

goodtaeeun commented 7 months ago

As you can see in the case of PowSet.bottom, PowSet.narrow, and PowSet.widen, they are defined with the functions from the Set module of Ocaml. You can do the same with order and join.