만약 위 이슈와 같은 문제가 발생하시면 아래 명령어로 Llvmutils를 다시 깔아주세요.
opam remove llvmutils
opam install llvmutils
Through issue #207, we have identified an error for the environment setting in Assignment 6. It seems that I have not updated your KCLOUD according to the new version of Llvmutils.
If you encounter the same problem as described in the issue, please reinstall Llvmutils with the following commands:
안녕하세요. https://github.com/prosyslab-classroom/cs524-program-analysis/issues/207 이슈를 통해 6번 과제를 위한 환경설정의 오류를 하나 파악했습니다. 제가 Llvmutils라는 모듈에 새로운 함수를 추가하면서, 여러분의 KCLOUD 중 일부에 업데이트를 하지 않은 듯합니다.
만약 위 이슈와 같은 문제가 발생하시면 아래 명령어로 Llvmutils를 다시 깔아주세요. 감사합니다.
Through issue #207, we have identified an error for the environment setting in Assignment 6. It seems that I have not updated your KCLOUD according to the new version of Llvmutils.
If you encounter the same problem as described in the issue, please reinstall Llvmutils with the following commands:
Thank you.