For me, [AI x AI] means [the human intelligence and the artificial intelligence striving together to approximate something infinite.]".
Long Description (up to 3 sentences)
There is no best abstraction of a circle in the polyhedra domain, but that doesn't mean we can improve our abstraction by adding one more constraint.
At this lonely struggle for striving for something infinite, a new friend of human intelligence has entered the battlefield, called artificial intelligence.
We shall see if they will lend a hand in drawing a better solution in the pursuit of better abstract interpretation.
Doehyun Baek
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Bing Image Creator
Short Description
For me, [AI x AI] means [the human intelligence and the artificial intelligence striving together to approximate something infinite.]".
Long Description (up to 3 sentences)
There is no best abstraction of a circle in the polyhedra domain, but that doesn't mean we can improve our abstraction by adding one more constraint. At this lonely struggle for striving for something infinite, a new friend of human intelligence has entered the battlefield, called artificial intelligence. We shall see if they will lend a hand in drawing a better solution in the pursuit of better abstract interpretation.