Homework 1 is to write an essay.
Read the article on the first week of schedule table and write a critique.
Here is the GitHub classroom link for this homework:
Push your essay to your homework repository, and submit your pdf file to the HotCRP.
Use the “New HW1 submission” button.
Hi, everyone.
Here are some things you should set up for this course.
Homework 1
Homework 1 is to write an essay. Read the article on the first week of schedule table and write a critique. Here is the GitHub classroom link for this homework: https://classroom.github.com/a/URSlawq_
Push your essay to your homework repository, and submit your pdf file to the HotCRP. Use the “New HW1 submission” button.
Due date
Due: 3. 3 (Sun.) 23:59:59