protegeproject / protege

Protege Desktop
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Feature request: Remember labels #1094

Open alanruttenberg opened 1 year ago

alanruttenberg commented 1 year ago

It's a common experience when using opaque IRIs, such as those used with OBO, combined with omission of imports that opaque IRIs will be displayed in the hierarchy and axioms, causing confusion.

I propose that Protege keep a database mapping IRIs to labels, updated each time it opens an ontology that provides those labels. Then, subject to a preference, if a label is not available, the last known label could be used for display, perhaps with an indication of its status. This database would be constructed on the fly as the user opens different ontologies.

Extra credit for going beyond rdfs:label and recording associations to all common label properties as well as an property that is seen at some point as a subproperty of rdfs:label. That way there's also the possibility of respecting the priority order for label display preference.

alanruttenberg commented 1 year ago

An easier but still useful alternative would be to be able to specify a file with URLs and labels to be used in the case that the ontology doesn't have a label.

gouttegd commented 1 year ago

I don’t really see such a feature happening in the foreseeable future, but I do like the idea, provided that: