protobuf-net / protobuf-net.Grpc

GRPC bindings for protobuf-net and grpc-dotnet
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Problem with reflection for methods with many enums #323

Open GoNextGroup opened 4 months ago

GoNextGroup commented 4 months ago

Hello, Marc.

I try to use reflection in my project, but got problem with enums.

I have service with request record:

    public record GenerateTokenRequest
        public Guid UserId { get; init; }
        public Roles Role { get; init; }
        public ClientTypes ClientType { get; init; }
        public TokenType TokenType { get; init; }

The proto file was generated:

syntax = "proto3";
package SharedInterfaces.TokenService.SecurityInterfaces.Token;
import "protobuf-net/bcl.proto"; // schema for protobuf-net's handling of core .NET types

enum ClientTypes {
   ZERO = 0; // proto3 requires a zero value as the first item (it can be named anything)
   Dealer = 1;
   Executor = 2;
message GenerateTokenRequest {
   .bcl.Guid UserId = 1; // default value could not be applied: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
   Roles Role = 2;
   ClientTypes ClientType = 3;
   TokenType TokenType = 4;
enum Roles {
   User = 0;
   Worker = 1;
   Setter = 2;
   Customer = 3;
   ManagerOP = 4;
   Manager = 5;
   Employee = 998;
   LegalEntity = 999;
enum TokenType {
   ZERO = 0; // proto3 requires a zero value as the first item (it can be named anything)
   Temporary = 1;
   Persistent = 2;
message UserToken {
   string AuthenticationType = 1;
   string Token = 2;
   .bcl.DateTime Expiration = 3;
   int64 ExpirationUnixTime = 4;
   ClientTypes ClientType = 5;
   Roles Role = 6;
service TokenGeneration {
   rpc Generate (GenerateTokenRequest) returns (UserToken);

So, when I try to use command docker run fullstorydev/grpcurl -plaintext -use-reflection describe SharedInterfaces.TokenService.SecurityInterfaces.Token.TokenGeneration

I got a message Failed to resolve symbol "SharedInterfaces.TokenService.SecurityInterfaces.Token.TokenGeneration": proto: descriptor "SharedInterfaces.TokenService.SecurityInterfaces.Token.ZERO" already declared

I've tried to find solution in the internet/SO/tg chats, but without any success. Could you help me to fix this problem? Or is there no way just only change enum elements order starting not from 1, but from 0?

mgravell commented 4 months ago

I think this comes down to name collisions; we should add a mode that optionally includes the enum name as a prefix in all enum names (including zero), so we generate TokenType_Zero, TokenType_Temporary, etc

unrelated: you might want to look at re the data and guid

GoNextGroup commented 4 months ago

Thank you for your answer. Currently, I'll try to change ordering of elements starting from 0. Is it possible in future releases to change enum members generation style? Because the same collision can be in cases when 2 enums contain elements with same names.

mgravell commented 4 months ago

Is it possible in future releases to change enum members generation style? Because the same collision can be in cases when 2 enums contain elements with same names.

Yes, that is what I was proposing - sorry if that was unclear.

GoNextGroup commented 4 months ago

Thank you! I'll wait for new release)))

menaheme commented 4 months ago

Why is this closed?

GoNextGroup commented 4 months ago

Why is this closed?

Sorry, my bad.