protocol / CryptoEconLab

CryptoEconLab at PL aspires to become a hub for research on economic incentives, coordination games, and novel marketplaces.
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Anti-fragility & Resilience Agent-based Modeling #41

Open dmc314 opened 1 year ago

dmc314 commented 1 year ago

eta: 2023-02-13

Present an Agent-Based Model of the filecoin network, including a report with its sets of assumptions, applicability, together with a well-documented code base.

dmc314 commented 1 year ago

Reflecting here conversations that @tmellan and I have had that the agent-based modeling project will incorporate some aspects of the antifragility investigations that have been discussed.

Some related ideas that I think are worthy of considering w.r.t. making ROI and Circulating Supply more antifragile are: