Define a clearer process for governance of network upgrades, be they one or a mixture of: 1) a regularly scheduled update every X months, 2) an emergency FIP or update, and 3) the status quo of project-driven, opportunistic timelines.
Work with DMOB and FF to ensure Fil Poll code is updated based on lessons learned in FIP 36, to eliminate double counting, deal with msig wallets, include all necessary data for locked token calcs, and process for relevant constituents
Define clearer policy for accept/reject criteria and voting constituents
Better define token holder voting to account for obstacles with tokens held by exchanges, msigs, lenders, etc
Clarify definition and responsibilities of Core Devs
Add a section to FIP draft template for “Anticipated Risks” and “Teams Potentially Affected”. This pre-assessment could provide an early indication of contentious FIPs if many teams or stakeholders stand to be effected
eta: 2023-02-28
Work with FF to implement relevant CEL governance recommendations from FIP36 retrospective.