protocol / beyond-bitswap

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Build dynamic/interactive UI to analyze results. #12

Open adlrocha opened 3 years ago

adlrocha commented 3 years ago

Build an interactive UI similar to this one for Bitswap:

This tool should read logs from a bitswap execution and show:

This would help the analysis of benchmarking results and debugging.

adlrocha commented 3 years ago

First MVP of the "Bitswap Viewer". It is an observableHQ that retreives logs from a local Jaeger environment and prints the table the reception of messages step by step. This simple feature was more than enough for me to have a sense about what was happening under the hood in my prototypes.

Do not hesitate to post here any additional feature that you think this Bitswap viewer should include (the notebook is public, and the code will be included in this repo, so you can also implement the feature yourself and do a PR for everyone to benefit from your work ).


adlrocha commented 3 years ago

Added instrumentation to also track peers session and the peers and CIDs being requested in each session (

The change has also be published in the obervableHQ: