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IPLD Prime In IPFS Test Comparison + Setup #42

Open hannahhoward opened 3 years ago

hannahhoward commented 3 years ago


This sets up the baseline comparison for data systems teams efforts to put go-ipld-prime into IPFS. It includes additional improvements to timing and similfication of the construction of the IPFS node


warpfork commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure what the standards are in this repo or who should review, but fwiw, I would love to see this being mergeable. ISTM some useful data was gathered here.

(I'd also love to see some of the output data just saved as snapshots. But that probably goes somewhere else? I'm less concerned about where exactly it lands, more concerned that the data is somewhere I can just link to for reference material (vs have to run myself and then subsequently figure out how to share again).)