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Error when running experiments with docker:go builder #43

Closed aratz-lasa closed 3 years ago

aratz-lasa commented 3 years ago

I have installed the testbed and I have been able to successfully execute However, when I run the RFC experiments I get an error.

Below, I show the output of the testground daemon when executing ./ rfcBBL104 (I get the same output with rfcBBL102) in the master branch:

Mar 17 00:22:52.735307  INFO    handle request  {"req_id": "87d7be15", "command": "run"}
Mar 17 00:23:07.579386  INFO    request handled {"req_id": "87d7be15", "command": "run"}
Mar 17 00:23:07.897632  INFO    worker processing task  {"worker_id": 1, "task_id": "c18knqquibq6d3jphfc0"}
Mar 17 00:23:07.897825  INFO    performing build for groups {"plan": "testbed", "groups": ["single"], "builder": "docker:go"}
Mar 17 00:23:07.899146  INFO    found existing volume   {"volume_name": "testground-goproxy-vol"}
Mar 17 00:23:07.900739  INFO    container is already running    {"container_name": "testground-goproxy"}
Step 2/21 : ARG RUNTIME_IMAGE=busybox:1.31.1-glibc
Step 3/21 : FROM ${BUILD_BASE_IMAGE} AS builder
 ---> 00d970a31ef2
Step 4/21 : ENV PLAN_DIR /plan
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 263fc3f92476
Step 5/21 : ENV SDK_DIR /sdk
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 352d2416dc7a
Step 6/21 : RUN rm -rf ${PLAN_DIR} ${SDK_DIR} /testground_dep_list
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 663ccc7cc614
 ---> Using cache
 ---> f3c150085fce
Step 8/21 : ARG GO_PROXY=direct
 ---> Using cache
 ---> fa3b8c779c2b
Step 9/21 : ARG BUILD_TAGS
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 8ca082c0ed4b
 ---> Using cache
 ---> b20e2b52e338
Step 11/21 : ENV GOCACHE /go/cache
 ---> Using cache
 ---> cf47ae2f80fb
Step 12/21 : COPY /plan/go.mod ${PLAN_DIR}/go.mod
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 607110f75dc2
Step 13/21 : RUN echo "Using go proxy: ${GO_PROXY}"     && cd ${PLAN_DIR}     && go env -w GOPROXY="${GO_PROXY}"     && go mod download
 ---> Running in 838dc490f5ee
Using go proxy: http://testground-goproxy:8081
go: requires reading http://testground-goproxy:8081/ 404 Not Found
    server response:
    go mod download -json
        "Path": "",
        "Version": "v0.0.0-20200117225306-7b5117fecadc",
        "Error": " unrecognized import path \"\": https fetch: Get \"\": dial tcp: lookup Try again"
Mar 17 00:23:22.658948  INFO    build failed    {"plan": "testbed", "groups": ["single"], "builder": "docker:go", "error": "docker build failed: The command '/bin/sh -c echo \"Using go proxy: ${GO_PROXY}\"     && cd ${PLAN_DIR}     && go env -w GOPROXY=\"${GO_PROXY}\"     && go mod download' returned a non-zero code: 1"}
Mar 17 00:23:22.659049  ERROR   doRun returned err  {"err": "docker build failed: The command '/bin/sh -c echo \"Using go proxy: ${GO_PROXY}\"     && cd ${PLAN_DIR}     && go env -w GOPROXY=\"${GO_PROXY}\"     && go mod download' returned a non-zero code: 1"}
Mar 17 00:23:22.660652  INFO    worker completed task   {"worker_id": 1, "task_id": "c18knqquibq6d3jphfc0"}
Mar 17 00:23:39.465684  WARN    collect outputs error   {"req_id": "af618db0", "err": "run ID c18knqquibq6d3jphfc0 not found with runner local:docker"}

Based on the output, I am assuming the error comes from the proxy that testground uses to speed up fetching of Go modules. But if that is the case, the rest of you also should get this error when running RFC experiments, right?

Until this error is fixed I will run the experiments with the exec:go. I would appreciate if you could confirm if this happens to more people.

adlrocha commented 3 years ago

Hi, @aratz-lasa. What version of Testground are you using? I pulled master ran ./ rfcBBL104 and it worked perfectly for me.

aratz-lasa commented 3 years ago

@adlrocha I was using an old version, I have updated to latest version and now is working. Thank you anyway! I will close the Issue.