Improve gateway TTFB by ensuring that more requests are served using a local blockstore instead of waiting on network block discovery.
This epic covers improvements to TTFB that can be achieved by ensuring that more requests are served using a local blockstore instead of waiting on network block discovery. Popular and expensive to fetch data should be held locally for longer by gateways, while still respecting limits on disk usage.
When operating as an HTTP gateway, go-ipfs should adopt a garbage collection strategy that retains blocks that improve gateway request times.
The hypothesis is that blocks are being deleted from the blockstore by garbage collection only to be re-requested at a later date which is much slower. Garbage collection is required to keep within disk space limits but the current implementation is unware of the usage patterns of unpinned blocks.
A crude experiment demonstrates the effect. The same URL (/ipfs/QmVoe22tWS8JqfrMHj5WTHJ6zWrWqTL3YeG5uFQmAH6zhs/182.png) was requested every 30 seconds with a manual GC run every few minutes (using ipfs repo gc)
Timings (elapsed time, connection time, time to start transfer, total time):
154,conn:0.093053,ttfb:2.338450,total:2.620145 <-- after GC
583,conn:0.092756,ttfb:1.081157,total:1.358370 <-- after GC
706,conn:0.093254,ttfb:63.240915,total:63.519715 <-- after GC
830,conn:0.102939,ttfb:2.021556,total:2.327899 <-- after GC
984,conn:0.103094,ttfb:2.554306,total:2.862080 <-- after GC
The request times at 154, 583, 830 and 984 after a garbage collection show a tenfold increase in time to first byte.
The timings at 706 are much higher, indicating that the peer probably dropped from node's peer list.
The default garbage collection strategy is mark and sweep:
mark all:
pinned blocks, plus all of their descendants (recursively)
bestEffortRoots, plus all of its descendants (recursively)
directly pinned blocks
blocks utilized internally by the pinner
then iterate over every block in the blockstore and delete any block not found in the marked set
bestEffortRoots, by default, only includes the MFS root
A cache-aware garbage collection algorithm would assign a cost to blocks derived from the frequency of access and time taken to fetch from peers. The algorithm then deletes blocks with least cost until a sufficient space has been freed.
For space efficiency we may want to only record metrics for roots of dags, i.e. directories and files. In this case the garbage collector would treat all descendant blocks of the root as a unit: either all are deleted together or none are. The final scoring formula will probably want to factor in the size of the dag.
Outline of proposed approach:
Phase 1
Roughly instrument block system to record the mean request rate of a block and the mean time to request the block from the network
Evaluate metrics against request patterns derived from to determine whether to proceed to phase 2
Phase 2
Define an efficient representation for block request metrics
Extend go-ipfs to enable configurable garbage collection strategies
Implement cost-based garbage collection strategy
Enable cost-based garbage collection for go-ipfs being operated as a gateway
What Is It?
Improve gateway TTFB by ensuring that more requests are served using a local blockstore instead of waiting on network block discovery.
This epic covers improvements to TTFB that can be achieved by ensuring that more requests are served using a local blockstore instead of waiting on network block discovery. Popular and expensive to fetch data should be held locally for longer by gateways, while still respecting limits on disk usage.
When operating as an HTTP gateway, go-ipfs should adopt a garbage collection strategy that retains blocks that improve gateway request times.
The hypothesis is that blocks are being deleted from the blockstore by garbage collection only to be re-requested at a later date which is much slower. Garbage collection is required to keep within disk space limits but the current implementation is unware of the usage patterns of unpinned blocks.
A crude experiment demonstrates the effect. The same URL (/ipfs/QmVoe22tWS8JqfrMHj5WTHJ6zWrWqTL3YeG5uFQmAH6zhs/182.png) was requested every 30 seconds with a manual GC run every few minutes (using
ipfs repo gc
)The request times at 154, 583, 830 and 984 after a garbage collection show a tenfold increase in time to first byte. The timings at 706 are much higher, indicating that the peer probably dropped from node's peer list.
The default garbage collection strategy is mark and sweep:
bestEffortRoots, by default, only includes the MFS root
A cache-aware garbage collection algorithm would assign a cost to blocks derived from the frequency of access and time taken to fetch from peers. The algorithm then deletes blocks with least cost until a sufficient space has been freed.
For space efficiency we may want to only record metrics for roots of dags, i.e. directories and files. In this case the garbage collector would treat all descendant blocks of the root as a unit: either all are deleted together or none are. The final scoring formula will probably want to factor in the size of the dag.
Outline of proposed approach: