protocolbuffers / protobuf-javascript

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Generate js file from proto file with protoc v21.1 #127

Open patoda opened 2 years ago

patoda commented 2 years ago

Command used -

protoc.exe --js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:. employees.proto

Error -

'protoc-gen-js' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. --js_out: protoc-gen-js: Plugin failed with status code 1.

wfhartford commented 2 years ago

I encountered the same issue upgrading to version 3.21.1 from 3.20.0

nurhusni commented 2 years ago

I'm having a same issue. Is there any solution yet?

elig-salt commented 2 years ago

Really looking forward to this fix. Would love to help in any way if I can :)

meling commented 2 years ago

I'm having the same issue on macOS:

protoc-gen-js: program not found or is not executable
Please specify a program using absolute path or make sure the program is available in your PATH system variable
--js_out: protoc-gen-js: Plugin failed with status code 1.

I don't see protoc-gen-js in any of the binary downloads; couldn't figure out whether or not there is a separate install for this or if it should be "included" in the protoc binary as before.

I've seen that the release notes for v21.0-rc1 link to a document explaining that javascript has been moved out of the main repository to allow it to evolve independently of protoc. However, the new protobuf-javascript repository does not provide any instructions that helps me resolve this issue.

Note that the v20.1 release provides an additional js asset that I also wasn't able to make use of. Couldn't find any useful instructions.

I downgraded to v20.1 and then I don't get this problem.

PS: I'm new to installing protobuf from the official releases; I've used brew in the past, but it seems the homebrew folks are having some problems with v20.1 as well, with v3.19.4 being the most recent working version.

Hjw52 commented 2 years ago

I also encountered the same issue when I use the v3.21.0. which verson can I use ? I want to generate js File

ggat commented 1 year ago

I have the same on 3.21.2

clehene commented 1 year ago

@haberman 21.x breaks JS and there's no known workaround for OSX / brew Can you take a look and provide some guidance, please

no release notes on removing JS

no way to downgrade

brew install protobuf@20.1
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core).

Running `brew update --auto-update`...
Warning: No available formula with the name "protobuf@20.1". Did you mean protobuf@3.6?
 brew install protobuf@3.6
Error: protobuf@3.6 has been disabled because it is a versioned formula!

no releases on the js split

no build instructions on the js split

the latest known working js release has no build instructions either


clehene commented 1 year ago

workaround on OSX / brew:

brew install protobuf@3
brew link --overwrite protobuf@3


russellrc-keebo commented 1 year ago

Installed protobuf 21.4 with homebrew, which uses protoc 3.21.4, and also got the same protoc-gen-js: program not found or is not executable error.

The suggestion by @clehene worked like a charm

TheYoungBeast commented 1 year ago

protobuf 21.4 Win x64 Compiler:

'protoc-gen-js' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. --js_out: protoc-gen-js: Plugin failed with status code 1.

johejo commented 1 year ago

My findings.

Clone protobu-javascript source code

git clone
cd protobuf-javascript/
bazel build //generator:protoc-gen-js # It might be better to use bazelisk as a launcher for bazel.

protoc-gen-js's executable is in bazel-bin/generator/

$ ls bazel-bin/generator/protoc-gen-js

Pass the path to the plugin option in protoc

protoc --plugin=/path/to/protoc-gen-js

Someday there might be a formal migration guide from the protocolbuffers team.

srabraham commented 1 year ago

Thanks for that, @johejo. I'm trying to figure out how in the world to get this working in a Bazel context, in which we use a third party JS gRPC proto generator (rules-proto-grpc), and that thing calls into protoc, expecting protoc to know what to do to generate JS protos. Ugh..

dibenede commented 1 year ago

We are currently working on releasing binaries for protoc-gen-js, but it should be possible to build. You can find some better examples of the plugin invocation here:

lily-es commented 1 year ago

A simpler workaround(other than downgrading) is to download the executable from and add it to your PATH. Then it will work as expected

tjohander-splunk commented 1 year ago

A simpler workaround(other than downgrading) is to download the executable from and add it to your PATH. Then it will work as expected

I can validate this is a valid workaround. After downloading the protofub-javascript release .zip (, in my case) and copying bin/protoc-gen-js into the same directory as protoc, this command will execute successfully:

protoc --js_out=js proto/simple.proto

My system is 5.15.0-56-generic #62-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 22 19:54:14 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

nickwinger commented 1 year ago

A simpler workaround(other than downgrading) is to download the executable from and add it to your PATH. Then it will work as expected

I can validate this is a valid workaround. After downloading the protofub-javascript release .zip (, in my case) and copying bin/protoc-gen-js into the same directory as protoc, this command will execute successfully:

protoc --js_out=js proto/simple.proto

My system is 5.15.0-56-generic #62-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 22 19:54:14 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

This does not work on my machine, it's missing some dynamically linked libraries: libwinpthread-1.dll, libstdc++-6.dll. I do Angular/Javascript development a lot of years, and know some things are complicated with dependencies. But this protoc thing really kicks it off. It's like i just want to build the sample gRPC-Web Echo Example and it immediately stops that i cannot even compile those simple proto files... i mean This javascript issue seems to be open since half a year ?!? is nobody seriously using this proto stuff with javascript ? And why there is no simple workaround, i mean why even the pre-build protoc-js has even dependencies ?!?!?!?!?! Why not build a complete selfcontained executable that is working on it's own, really....

meling commented 1 year ago

Not sure it will help @nickwinger, but you may find it easier to work with Buf's protoc plugins that generates javascript/typescript. For my project, we adopted Buf's connect-go, connect-web, and the es plugins, and it has worked great for us. It generates more readable code as well.

nickwinger commented 1 year ago

@meling thank you, sounds promising, i‘ll have a look :) i got more and more into the world that with JavaScript (and nodejs) you can do everything. And google with chrome and angular where pushing limits. And now this proto thing does not like JavaScript no more ?!?…

pablodz commented 1 year ago

I was working trying to create protoc compilations for any version and multiple language

now, I can replicated the error in a isolated container



make loadenvs
make generate verbose=true

I hope this will help to fix errors easily

Aaron1011 commented 1 year ago

If you're forced to downgrade and are running into issues with window in strict mode, you can use commonjs_strict:

taliastocks commented 1 year ago

This worked for me (after npm install google-protobuf):

Create an executable file

#!/usr/bin/env sh
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
node ./node_modules/google-protobuf/google-protobuf.js "$@"

And then when running protoc:

protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-js=./ --js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:./gen-javascript --proto_path=protobuf/src path/to/my.proto
taliastocks commented 1 year ago

Okay never mind, that didn't work at all.

Siedlerchr commented 1 year ago

v3.22.0 still does not work:

protoc: stdout: . stderr: protoc-gen-js: program not found or is not executable
  Please specify a program using absolute path or make sure the program is available in your PATH system variable
  --js_out: protoc-gen-js: Plugin failed with status code 1.
tinder-dthomson commented 1 year ago

My findings.

Clone protobu-javascript source code

git clone
cd protobuf-javascript/
bazel build //generator:protoc-gen-js # It might be better to use bazelisk as a launcher for bazel.

protoc-gen-js's executable is in bazel-bin/generator/

$ ls bazel-bin/generator/protoc-gen-js

Pass the path to the plugin option in protoc

protoc --plugin=/path/to/protoc-gen-js

Someday there might be a formal migration guide from the protocolbuffers team.

This worked for us, thanks @johejo! It's definitely a headache compared to how it used to "just work" though.

yinzara commented 1 year ago

I have created a npm package to help everyone.

You can now npm i protoc-gen-js inside a package.json directory to make the '--js_out' work in "scripts" in the package.json (i.e. if one of your package.json scripts calls 'protoc --js_out') and will allow you to specify the version of protoc-gen-js in your package.json

You can also npm i -g protoc-gen-js or npm i -g protoc-gen-js@{version} and that will make '--js_out' work everywhere at the latest or specific version specified.

Right now the only version supported is '3.21.2' but I'll try to keep it up to date as new releases are made.

pietrodn commented 1 year ago

There is an official first-party solution: if you npm install grpc-tools, then you simply use grpc_tools_node_protoc (which is inside node_modules/.bin) instead of protoc. See documentation.

This way I managed to do without protoc-gen-js.

tinder-dthomson commented 1 year ago

@pietrodn I wouldn't consider that a solution. grpc-tools latest version is still only on protobuf version 3.19.1, which is before this issue even occurs.

pietrodn commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the info, I wrongly assumed that at least the official grpc-tools would be up to date. The more I use grpc, the more disappointed I am.

adrianimboden commented 1 year ago

I also build the protoc-gen-js myself now. For future reference, the command protoc --plugin=/path/to/protoc-gen-js is not correct.

You have to use protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-js=/path/to/protoc-gen-js when protoc-gen-js is not the path.

princeje commented 1 year ago

I also build the protoc-gen-js myself now. For future reference, the command protoc --plugin=/path/to/protoc-gen-js is not correct.

You have to use protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-js=/path/to/protoc-gen-js when protoc-gen-js is not the path.

Can you explain how you built protoc-gen-js? I'm trying to create a grpc client with Angular and javascript to use with my existing grpc server. I have .proto files but nothing is working to generate .js/.ts files.

adrianimboden commented 1 year ago

If you have an Angular/Javascript project, why does from @yinzara not work for you?

If you want to build it for yourself, it depends on which platform you are. For Linux/WSL2 or OSX, it is quite easy. Here the example for a linux x86_64 system (written as a Dockerfile):

FROM debian:bullseye

# install prerequisites
#  git: to download the repositoryy
#  curl: to download/install bazel (the build system)
#  build-essential: to build protoc-gen-js (C/C++ compiler)
  apt-get update && \
  apt-get install -y git curl build-essential

# install bazel
  curl -sL > /usr/local/bin/bazel && \
  chmod +x /usr/local/bin/bazel

# build and install protoc-gen-js
  git clone && \
  cd protobuf-javascript && \
  bazel build //generator:protoc-gen-js && \
  cp bazel-bin/generator/protoc-gen-js /usr/local/bin/protoc-gen-js

# protoc-gen-js is now installed in /usr/local/bin/protoc-gen-js

For windows, it should also work (bazel and stuff is also available), but that is a whole different story.

lily-es commented 1 year ago

The "official first party solution" is to simply download the latest release from this repo and add it to your PATH. No need to build from source, no need to download any npm packages.

They should really update the README with these instructions and close this issue, as there is no real problem here. Not including the javascript runtime in the main protobuf installation was a conscious decision by the protobuf team, and now that there are proper pre-built binaries for this up for download, the only problem left is the lack of instructions really.

Siedlerchr commented 1 year ago

@lily-es Thanks very much! That hint helped me a lot. I have created a download and unzip task for kotlin and configuration of the gradle plugin as well here:

wolfgang-braun commented 10 months ago

The "official first party solution" is to simply download the latest release from this repo and add it to your PATH. No need to build from source, no need to download any npm packages.

They should really update the README with these instructions and close this issue, as there is no real problem here. Not including the javascript runtime in the main protobuf installation was a conscious decision by the protobuf team, and now that there are proper pre-built binaries for this up for download, the only problem left is the lack of instructions really.

@lily-es This was actually what I tried first. But it doesn't work:

Using an alpine docker image I download the following releases from GitHub:


(All bin files are executable of course)

And finally

Something's still wrong.

What's strange to me: executing protoc-gen-js directly returns not found

tinder-dthomson commented 10 months ago

The "official first party solution" is to simply download the latest release from this repo and add it to your PATH. No need to build from source, no need to download any npm packages.

They should really update the README with these instructions and close this issue, as there is no real problem here. Not including the javascript runtime in the main protobuf installation was a conscious decision by the protobuf team, and now that there are proper pre-built binaries for this up for download, the only problem left is the lack of instructions really.

Then you have to put in tooling to download the correct binary depending on OS. I'd rather just build from source and let bazel figure that out, that way we have one set of instructions common for all OS.

wolfgang-braun commented 10 months ago

Thanks for that, @johejo. I'm trying to figure out how in the world to get this working in a Bazel context, in which we use a third party JS gRPC proto generator (rules-proto-grpc), and that thing calls into protoc, expecting protoc to know what to do to generate JS protos. Ugh..


My tooling is a simple bash script that checks uname -m and selects the correct file based on that.

btw in my case I did use the correct download, and it didn't work:


Found the solution:

The binary doesn't support musl libc but glibc. Alpine uses musl libc. For this reason the binary couldn't be executed. See also

➡ Using a linux image with glibc (e.g. Debian image) solved the issue. The precompiled binaries work as expected.

brunacat commented 10 months ago

i'm having this problem. Using protoc version 24.0 and protoc-gen-grpc-web 1.4.2. I also installed the protoc-gen-js package 3.21.2 is there any other package i need or version?

funktionslust commented 10 months ago

i'm having this problem. Using protoc version 24.0 and protoc-gen-grpc-web 1.4.2.

I also installed the protoc-gen-js package 3.21.2

is there any other package i need or version?

@brunacat nothing else is needed.

ouzhou commented 6 months ago

download protoc and protobuf-javascript


run this ./protoc-25.1-osx-aarch_64/bin/protoc --plugin=./protobuf-javascript-3.21.2-osx-x86_64/bin/protoc-gen-js \ --js_out=library=myproto_libs,binary:. a.proto

Type1J commented 5 months ago

Found the solution:

The binary doesn't support musl libc but glibc. Alpine uses musl libc. For this reason the binary couldn't be executed. See also #153

➡ Using a linux image with glibc (e.g. Debian image) solved the issue. The precompiled binaries work as expected.

I was using an Alpine (musl) based container, but switched to a Debian (glibc) based one. Thanks! Since musl is usually statically linked, the binary release would serve a wider audience if it used musl instead of glibc, which is usually dynamically linked.

txthinking commented 2 months ago

install protoc-gen-js via nami

nami install protoc-gen-js
luangong commented 2 months ago

You can now install protoc-gen-js via Homebrew:

brew install protoc-gen-js

and then run protoc like this:

"$(brew --prefix protobuf@21)/bin/protoc" --js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:. employees.proto
sianami123 commented 6 days ago

same error on protoc-27.2-win64. how fix it? what is correct protoc command?