The following error is raised after starting dmprd via ./ -f config.json:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 511, in <module>
File "./", line 491, in main
File "./", line 121, in setup_core
ctx['core'].register_routing_table_update_cb(cb_routing_table_update, priv_data=ctx)
TypeError: register_routing_table_update_cb() got an unexpected keyword argument 'priv_data'
Close <_UnixSelectorEventLoop running=False closed=False debug=True>
Here the priv_data was removed. So after checking the code my prefered solution - to keep the implementation as understandable as possible - to objectify this code. Wrap everything with an DMPRD class. MMmhh
As always for dmpr{d,-core} it is important that the code is as simple as possible. No fancy indirections, no additional classes where it makes the code harder to understand, no python fancy stuff, just pseudo-code style programming stuff.
The following error is raised after starting dmprd via
./ -f config.json
:Here the
was removed. So after checking the code my prefered solution - to keep the implementation as understandable as possible - to objectify this code. Wrap everything with an DMPRD class. MMmhhAs always for dmpr{d,-core} it is important that the code is as simple as possible. No fancy indirections, no additional classes where it makes the code harder to understand, no python fancy stuff, just pseudo-code style programming stuff.