protocool / AckMate

TextMate plugin (Cocoa) shell for running 'ack'
MIT License
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Add support for HAML files #20

Closed czottmann closed 13 years ago

czottmann commented 13 years ago

It appears that AckMate ignores HAML files as its ack doesn't know the file type. I've tried to teach it the file type using a ~/.ackrc file but the embedded ackmate_ack is throwing errors at my --type-set haml=.haml directive.

A command line ackmate_ack --type-set haml=.haml foo /my/project works, tho.

So I'm unsure whether it'd be easier to fix AckMate's issues with the .ackrc file or bake in HAML support.

Also, I hope this project isn't dead by now. :)

czottmann commented 13 years ago

PS: this ticket relates to 1.1.1 as 1.1.2 doesn't work on my 10.6.6 machine. Perl errors and somesuch.

protocool commented 13 years ago


the .ackrc value you need to use for HAML is actually mentioned in


Regards, Trev

czottmann commented 13 years ago

A wiki! How peculiar. Of course. (I'm an idiot.)

Thanks! :)