protonemedia / inertiajs-tables-laravel-query-builder

Inertia.js Tables for Laravel Query Builder
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Relationship columns doesn't work? #93

Open darkons opened 1 year ago

darkons commented 1 year ago

I tried my first table with relation columns and I can't get them to work properly.

// This column returns the entire provider_type object
column(key: 'provider_type', label: 'Type', canBeHidden: false)

// This column returns empty value
column(key: '', label: 'Type', canBeHidden: false)

My query builder:

$providers = QueryBuilder::for(Provider::class)
            ->allowedSorts(['name', 'cif'])
            ->allowedFilters(['name', 'cif'])

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you!

jbunning commented 1 year ago

@darkons you can aggregate the relations columns in the query builder:

->withAggregate('relation', 'column')

Then use like this:

$table->column('relation_column', 'Displayed name', sortable: true, searchable: true);

darkons commented 1 year ago

Thank you @jbunning! Now the value is displayed correctly in the table.

However I can make the column searchable because: Requested filter(s)provider_nameare not allowed

but if I add the provider_name filter to query builder allowedFilters: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'domains.provider_name' in 'where clause'

Tried with filter but still the same :(

jbunning commented 1 year ago

@darkons Ran into the same problems myself, I was able to find solutions but it got a bit ugly.

Already I replaced the query builder for Laravel's one instead of the Spatie package, then had to do things like this:

                ->select('joined.ambiguous as joined.ambiguous', 'joined.*', 'model.*')
                ->leftJoin('joined', 'joined.model_id', '=', '' )
                ->orderBy(request('sort') ? Str::remove('-', request('sort')) : '', Str::contains(request('sort'), '-') ? 'DESC' : 'ASC')
                ->paginate(request('perPage') ?? 20)

Basically reporting searches, and sorting manually, adding aliases for ambiguous columns, etc.

It seems to be working now, even if it's a bit hectic.

Hope the package devs will find a nicer solution ;)

darkons commented 1 year ago

After some research I think I have found the reason why the table does not show nested values from relationships:


$users = QueryBuilder::for(User::class)
            ->allowedSorts(['name', 'email'])
            ->allowedFilters(['name', 'email', 'phone.number'])
            ->with('phone') // Eager load phone relation

        return Inertia::render('Users/Index', [
            'users' => $users,
        ])->table(function (InertiaTable $table) {
              ->column(key: 'name', searchable: true, sortable: true, canBeHidden: false)
              ->column(key: 'email', searchable: true, sortable: true)
              ->column(key: 'phone.number', searchable: true)
              ->column(label: 'Actions');

With the current version the phone.number column will display an empty value (undefined). This is because in Components/Table.vue the column key is not being searched deeply through the object:

<slot :name="`cell(${column.key})`" :item="item">
  {{ item[column.key] }}

Using Lodash get method we can make it work:

<slot :name="`cell(${column.key})`" :item="item">
  {{ get(item, column.key) }}

Example of how it works

It is actually a very simple fix. Hopefully @pascalbaljet can take a look at it and fix it :)

SDIjeremy commented 1 year ago

@darkons you can aggregate the relations columns in the query builder:

->withAggregate('relation', 'column')

Then use like this:

$table->column('relation_column', 'Displayed name', sortable: true, searchable: true);

Can you provide a less generic example, sorry I am having issues implementing this in my project.

MaticSulc commented 1 year ago

Any updates on this? I'd love to keep the source intact, although the @darkons's fix works like a charm.

mbeckerle-xqueue commented 1 year ago

For now, I also used aggregation and decided not to change the source of the table as our deployment process does not like manual interference. Instead I used a template and dumped the content, there but with the disadvantage, that neither sorting nor searching works very well... I guess it is a good idea to think further about the proposal of @darkons but there might also some drawbacks I am not sure about, e.g. if you are going to use a custom template for a cell, event he name is a problem. I try to explain with some example: when you are displaying football players and you also load a relation called "club" and you want to do something "fancy" like showing a font awesome globe in front of the name and link it somewhere, you probably try to do it like this:

->column(key: '', label: 'Club', searchable: true, sortable: true, hidden: false, canBeHidden: false)

And do some templating: <template #cell("{ item: element }"> <a href="whatever"><i class="fa-solid fa-globe fa-xl"></i>{{}}</a> </template>

This works but the name is actually invalid and you might see some warning like in my current VSCode: "'v-slot' directive doesn't support any modifier.eslint-plugin-vue"

@SDIjeremy In the example above it could look like this: assume you have a class Player and a class Club. The class Player has a relation to a club, so something like: public function club() { return $this->belongsTo(Club::class); }

Then you can load the relation and aggregate its name attribute: QueryBuilder::for(Player::class) ->withAggregate('club', 'name')

You can then access the aggregated variable in your column but I failed to make sorting and filtering work... $table->column('club_name', 'Name of the Club of the Player :)', sortable: true, searchable: true);

I assume it is a generic problem: however, I did not make sorting work, yet

MaticSulc commented 1 year ago

I've been looking at this issue, for now I've just ended up restructuring our data. Any solution would be greatly appreciated, I'm not sure how this is not a wider issue.

SDIjeremy commented 1 year ago

@MaticSulc for sorting I had to just restructure my data as well, I think it's probably for the better anyways.

musiwei commented 1 year ago

If you are still wondering how to filter a relationship, here is the most complicated case, then One-to-many is easy.


Example: users-roles relationship, filter by role name.


$roleSearch = AllowedFilter::callback('roles_name', static function ($query, $value) {
            $query->where(function ($query) use ($value) {
                Collection::wrap($value)->each(function ($value) use ($query) {
                    $query->orwhereHas('roles', function ($subquery) use ($value) {
                        $subquery->where('name', 'LIKE', "%{$value}%");

You definitely want to put it in the global filter.

$globalSearch = AllowedFilter::callback('global', static function ($query, $value) {
            $query->where(function ($query) use ($value) {
                Collection::wrap($value)->each(function ($value) use ($query) {
                    // Copy: Begin
                    $query->orwhereHas('roles', function ($subquery) use ($value) {
                        $subquery->where('name', 'LIKE', "%{$value}%");
                    // Copy: End
                        ->orWhere('first_name', 'LIKE', "%{$value}%")
                        ->orWhere('last_name', 'LIKE', "%{$value}%")
                        ->orWhere('email', 'LIKE', "%{$value}%")
                        // Practically you want to do this so your search is more human-friendly. 
                        ->orWhere(DB::raw("CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name)"), 'LIKE', "%$value%");

Then add the custom filter:

$users = QueryBuilder::for(User::class)
            // This has nothing to do with the filter, just to provide the role names, see the end of this comment
            ->allowedSorts(['first_name', 'last_name', 'email'])
            ->allowedFilters(['first_name', 'last_name', 'email', $roleSearch, $globalSearch])
            // A lil sugar, in case your pagination won't work out of the box
            // It was not your fault, the example provided was wrong. 
            ->paginate($queryParams['perPage'] ?? 15) 


return Inertia::render('User/Index', ['users' => $users])->table(function (InertiaTable $table) {
        $table->column(key: 'roles_name', label: 'Role', searchable: true);

You don't sort a many-to-many relationship for obvious reason. Even if you want, it's still achievable, just define your rule usingAllowSort callback and pass it into ->allowedSorts(...)

This way you can get rid of withAggregate, and you should, as It doesn't make sense for a table designed to sort/filter to just get a value.

Below is how you can display all the role names in Vue.


<Table :resource="users">
                <template #cell(roles_name)="{ item: user }">
                    <div class="flex space-x-1">
                        <div v-for="role in user.roles">
                            <span>{{ }}</span>
MaticSulc commented 1 year ago

Thanks @musiwei - it works as intended, although I can't get my one to many relationships to show in the table. By doing key: 'owner' it shows the full JSON. Then doing owner_name or doesn't do anything - although I see the name attribute in the JSON. Do I really have to specify all of them manually in Vue?

musiwei commented 1 year ago

Thanks @musiwei - it works as intended, although I can't get my one to many relationships to show in the table. By doing key: 'owner' it shows the full JSON. Then doing owner_name or doesn't do anything - although I see the name attribute in the JSON. Do I really have to specify all of them manually in Vue?

Glad that I helped. Could you please paste your code? It's more intuitive and others can learn from it too.

MaticSulc commented 1 year ago

Basically, I have a "Ticket", that can have an "Owner". The owner has props like name, address ...

$ownerSearch = AllowedFilter::callback('owner_name', static function ($query, $value) {
    $query->where(function ($query) use ($value) {
        Collection::wrap($value)->each(function ($value) use ($query) {
            $query->orwhereHas('owner', function ($subquery) use ($value) {
                $subquery->where('name', 'LIKE', "%{$value}%");

$globalSearch = AllowedFilter::callback('global', static function ($query, $value) {
    $query->where(function ($query) use ($value) {
        Collection::wrap($value)->each(function ($value) use ($query) {
            $query->orwhereHas('owner', function ($subquery) use ($value) {
                $subquery->where('name', 'LIKE', "%{$value}%");
                ->orWhere('number', 'LIKE', "%{$value}%");

//inside QueryBuilder
->allowedFilters(['number', $globalSearch, $ownerSearch])
//inside Table call
->column(key: 'owner_name', label: 'Owner', searchable: true, sortable: false, canBeHidden: false)

It works by doing the folowind in Vue, but I'd expect a better solution here.

<template #cell(owner_name)="{ item: order }">
    {{ }}
musiwei commented 1 year ago

Basically, I have a "Ticket", that can have an "Owner". The owner has props like name, address ...

$ownerSearch = AllowedFilter::callback('owner_name', static function ($query, $value) {
    $query->where(function ($query) use ($value) {
        Collection::wrap($value)->each(function ($value) use ($query) {
            $query->orwhereHas('owner', function ($subquery) use ($value) {
                $subquery->where('name', 'LIKE', "%{$value}%");

$globalSearch = AllowedFilter::callback('global', static function ($query, $value) {
    $query->where(function ($query) use ($value) {
        Collection::wrap($value)->each(function ($value) use ($query) {
            $query->orwhereHas('owner', function ($subquery) use ($value) {
                $subquery->where('name', 'LIKE', "%{$value}%");
                ->orWhere('number', 'LIKE', "%{$value}%");

//inside QueryBuilder
->allowedFilters(['number', $globalSearch, $ownerSearch])
//inside Table call
->column(key: 'owner_name', label: 'Owner', searchable: true, sortable: false, canBeHidden: false)

It works by doing the folowind in Vue, but I'd expect a better solution here.

<template #cell(owner_name)="{ item: order }">
    {{ }}

What do you mean by 'a better solution'? Isn't this working as intended? What is a better solution from your perspective?

MaticSulc commented 1 year ago

@musiwei By simply doing owner_name inside the column key, I'd expect the data to get extracted - not that I have to create a slot and extract it myself.

musiwei commented 1 year ago

@musiwei By simply doing owner_name inside the column key, I'd expect the data to get extracted - not that I have to create a slot and extract it myself.

I see. However, that is not a better solution, you are looking for an over-simplified solution that contains less code.

This topic can be quite big, and I'd like to share some thoughts with you because this may or may not help you become a better developer.

To start with, you have fantastic attitude. At the beginning of my career, I also try to find the simplest way to write code, it definitely helps learning because you constantly seek better ways.

However, only within a few years that I realised everything in software development is a tradeoff, with more simplicity, you lose more customisation.

In addition, as a senior software developer in the industry for 10+ years, I have seen many complicated applications, compared with those, this implementation is so clean, with great room to customise. This is actually one of the best Vue plugins that I have used recently. The author clearly has extensive amount of commercial experience and uses a very smart and clean way to tackle the table cell customising issue - which used to require you to write a full page of dirty code.

I am not playing the 'experience' card to convince you, but just trying to say that your mind evolves, and you will work on complex projects. This level of complexity is quite okay, and it also encourages you to think about how to take more advantage of it.

If there is only one thing that I am certain: there is no perfect code.