protontypes / LibreSelery

Continuous distribution of funding to your project contributors and dependencies. Integrated into GitHub Actions
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
124 stars 18 forks source link

Dependency Scanning loves SpencerTuft #98

Closed Ly0n closed 4 years ago

Ly0n commented 4 years ago

It looks like we have an error in our dependency scanning:

-- pypi: gitpython [==3.1.7]
  > FOUND global-data-manager: '' [SpencerTuft]
 -- pypi: pybraries [==0.2.2]
  > FOUND global-data-manager: '' [SpencerTuft]
 -- pypi: urlextract [==1.0.0]
  > FOUND global-data-manager: '' [SpencerTuft]
kikass13 commented 4 years ago

I have opened an issue at pybraries because I am unable to find the problem on our side. We use 5 lines of code when searching for projects, some of these dependencies result in a random search for the mentioned 'global-data-manager' package.

lets see if there is something we did wrong

Ly0n commented 4 years ago

It could also been an error of the dependency service of!

kikass13 commented 4 years ago

the webpage works fine. at least when im searchign for the stuff in my browser

kikass13 commented 4 years ago

my issue was answered (see

we could test it and see if our master now returns proper results when searching for deps instead of returning good'ol spencerTuft

kikass13 commented 4 years ago

commit 9ee0d83 should have fixed that issue with the help of pybraries/pybraries#182

here is a full simulated output of the dependency crawling:

[*] Initializing LibreSelery
[.] LibreSelery version [0.0.3.dev12]
[.] Preparing Configuration
[.] Loading configurations
 -- /home/kikass/gitclones/libreselery/selery.yml
[.] /home/kikass/gitclones/libreselery/ read
[.] Loading funding file [/home/kikass/gitclones/libreselery/] for bitcoin wallet
[.] Creating QR code PNG image for funders
[.] Tooling not included
[*] Initialized
[.]  --
{'config_dir': '', 'config_paths': ['/home/kikass/gitclones/libreselery/selery.yml'], 'directory': '/home/kikass/gitclones/libreselery', 'result_dir': '/home/kikass/gitclones/libreselery/results', 'tooling_path': None, 'func': <function _runCommand at 0x7f6f3ef50050>, 'simulation': True, 'include_main_repository': True, 'include_dependencies': True, 'include_tooling_and_runtime': True, 'min_contributions_required_payout': 1, 'included_dependency_contributor': 10, 'uniform_weight': 30, 'activity_since_commit': 'tag_regex:v[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+', 'activity_weight': 10, 'split_strategy': 'full_split', 'payout_per_run': 0.004, 'min_payout_per_contributor': 5e-05, 'random_split_picked_contributors': 0, 'random_split_btc_per_picked_contributor': 0.0, 'bitcoin_address': '3PVdiyLPR7MgaeFRJLW9mfuESZS2aAPX9w', 'perform_wallet_validation': True, 'send_email_notification': True, 'optional_email_message': 'You are part of a new experimental funding concept for free and open projects. Enjoy your fresh Selery.', 'libraries_api_key': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'github_token': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'coinbase_token': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'coinbase_secret': 'XXXX'}
[.] Establishing Github connection
[*] Github connection established
[.] Establishing LibrariesIO connection
[*] LibrariesIO connection established
[.] Gathering project information of '' at  local folder '/home/kikass/gitclones/libreselery
[.] Including contributors of root project 'protontypes/LibreSelery'
[.]  --
[.] Searching for dependencies of project 'protontypes/LibreSelery' 
 -- pypi: setuptools [>=8.0]
  > FOUND setuptools: '' [pypa]
 -- pypi: pygithub [==1.52]
  > FOUND PyGithub: '' [pygithub]
 -- pypi: dnspython [==2.0.0]
  > FOUND dnspython: 'None' []
 -- pypi: pyyaml [==5.3.1]
  > FOUND PyYAML: '' [yaml]
 -- pypi: coinbase [*]
  > FOUND coinbase: '' [coinbase]
 -- pypi: gitpython [==3.1.7]
  > FOUND GitPython: '' [gitpython-developers]
 -- pypi: pybraries [==0.3.0]
  > FOUND pybraries: '' [pybraries]
 -- pypi: urlextract [==1.0.0]
  > FOUND urlextract: '' [lipoja]
 -- pypi: matplotlib [==3.3.0]
  > FOUND matplotlib: '' [matplotlib]
 -- pypi: numpy [==1.19.1]
  > FOUND numpy: '' [numpy]
 -- pypi: prompt_toolkit [*]
  > FOUND prompt_toolkit: '' [jonathanslenders]
 -- pypi: qrcode [*]
  > FOUND qrcode: '' [soldair]
 -- pypi: wheel [*]
  > FOUND wheel: '' [pypa]
 -- rubygems: bibliothecary [>= 0]
  > FOUND bibliothecary: '' [librariesio]
[.] Gathering dependency contributor information from Github. This will take some time for larger projects.
[*] Gathered valid directory: /home/kikass/gitclones/libreselery
[*] Gathered '1' valid main repositories
[*] Gathered '11' valid main contributors
[*] Gathered '10' valid dependency repositories
[*] Gathered '259' valid dependency contributors
[.] Add 10 dependency contributor to main contributor by random choice.
[.] Create uniform weights for contributors
[.] Uniform Weights: [30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30]
[.] Add additional weight to contributors of the last commits until tag_regex:v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+
[.] Found release contributor: 5
[.] Github email matches git commit email of contributor: EdwardBetts
[.] Github email matches git commit email of contributor: kikass13
[.] Github email matches git commit email of contributor: krux02
[.] Release Weights: [0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[.] Combined Weights: [30, 30, 40, 30, 30, 40, 30, 30, 40, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30]
[.] Choosing recipients for payout
[.] Creating full split based on weights
[.]  -- '': 'luciotomys' [w: 30]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000182'
[.]  -- '': 'crckmc' [w: 30]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000182'
[.]  -- '': 'EdwardBetts' [w: 40]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000242'
[.]  -- '': 'yarikoptic' [w: 30]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000182'
[.]  -- '': 'ZeipsCode' [w: 30]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000182'
[.]  -- '': 'kikass13' [w: 40]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000242'
[.]  -- '': 'mw-mw-mw' [w: 30]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000182'
[.]  -- '': 'fdietze' [w: 30]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000182'
[.]  -- '': 'krux02' [w: 40]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000242'
[.]  -- '': 'cornerman' [w: 30]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000182'
[.]  -- '': 'Ly0n' [w: 30]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000182'
[.]  -- '': 'jasonwhite' [w: 30]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000182'
[.]  -- '': 'int3' [w: 30]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000182'
[.]  -- '': 'xobb1t' [w: 30]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000182'
[.]  -- '': 'ewmoore' [w: 30]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000182'
[.]  -- '': 'ninloot' [w: 30]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000182'
[.]  -- '': 'jsonperl' [w: 30]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000182'
[.]  -- '': 'res0nance' [w: 30]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000182'
[.]  -- '': 'larsoner' [w: 30]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000182'
[.]  -- '': 'benthayer' [w: 30]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000182'
[.]  -- '': 'blatinier' [w: 30]
[.]   > via project ''
[.]  -- Payout split '0.000182'
[!] Configuration 'simulation' is active, so NO transaction will be executed
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000182' bitcoin to 'luciotomys'
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000182' bitcoin to 'crckmc'
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000242' bitcoin to 'EdwardBetts'
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000182' bitcoin to 'yarikoptic'
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000182' bitcoin to 'ZeipsCode'
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000242' bitcoin to 'kikass13'
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000182' bitcoin to 'mw-mw-mw'
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000182' bitcoin to 'fdietze'
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000242' bitcoin to 'krux02'
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000182' bitcoin to 'cornerman'
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000182' bitcoin to 'Ly0n'
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000182' bitcoin to 'jasonwhite'
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000182' bitcoin to 'int3'
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000182' bitcoin to 'xobb1t'
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000182' bitcoin to 'ewmoore'
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000182' bitcoin to 'ninloot'
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000182' bitcoin to 'jsonperl'
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000182' bitcoin to 'res0nance'
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000182' bitcoin to 'larsoner'
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000182' bitcoin to 'benthayer'
[.]  -- would have been a payout of '0.000182' bitcoin to 'blatinier'
[*] Done
[*] Feel free to visit us @
kikass13 commented 4 years ago

@krux02 can be closed now after the PR I guess

Ly0n commented 4 years ago

I want to hug you for solving this issue @kikass13 :heart:

kikass13 commented 4 years ago

don't hug me, hug @discdiver instead