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[Suggest Copy Changes] in/acc/manifesto ## Goals #14

Closed lahnil closed 1 year ago

lahnil commented 1 year ago

Current version. Most of these text should move to some projects, and broader goals can be more strategic as in updated titles.


I. Improve Governance and Reduce Corruption

{{Corruption is a social disease that hinders the healthy growth of any nation. We believe that by harnessing the power of blockchain and AI, we can inject more transparency and accountability into systems. A decentralized, transparent digital ledger can help track and validate transactions, making bribery and fraud significantly more difficult. AI can be used to analyze patterns and predict potential fraud before it occurs.}}

II. Accelerate Civilization Sustainably

{{To harness the potential of our civilization, we will integrate digital technology into every aspect of life. This will include education, healthcare, agriculture, infrastructure, and energy. We aim to create a digital-first society where access to information and services is democratized, enhancing overall productivity and facilitating India's leap into a digitally empowered future.}}

III. Ensure Contract Enforcement & Delivery of Justice

{{The Indian judicial system, burdened by a vast backlog of cases, is in desperate need of a revamp. Leveraging AI in judiciary can help expedite legal proceedings, reduce manual workload, and offer a more efficient system. An AI-driven system can sort and prioritize cases, analyze legal documents swiftly, and offer support in decision-making.}}

IV. Universalize Education Opportunities and Skill Development

{{We envisage a future where every Indian, regardless of their socio-economic status, has access to quality education. Through digital platforms, we can democratize learning and provide equal opportunities for everyone. AI-driven personalized learning can help cater to individual learning styles, offering a more effective education.}}

V. Digital Public Capital Building

{{Some ideas in appendix below.}}