prototipado / bioamp

BioAmp is an opensource project of a multichannel biopotential adquisition system for EEG, EMG, EOG and EOG signals.
13 stars 5 forks source link

Update #1

Open ChangQing-SH opened 4 years ago

ChangQing-SH commented 4 years ago


This project looks awesome, Recently I get to know from open-neuroscience, and the Bioamp meet my requirement that we need to record 8 animals EEG in parallel. I have some questions:

  1. Do you still maintain this project?
  2. Any software for this device to collect data?
  3. How is the performance in long-term recording and the SNR?
CursoKicadFIUNER commented 4 years ago


Yes, we are absolutely still working on the project (making improvements, testing, collecting data). This device can collect data using OpenBCI soft (recomended), but we have used Brainbay and openvibe as well. However if you know how to program the micro, you can set any communication as you please. It depends on what you call long-term, we have make recordings without issues for let say 4-5 hours. I think that longer recordings periods would be more affected by the deterioration of the impedance between electrode-skin interface rather than anything else. Hope this help and sorry for the late replay.