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Bugfix for Opera compatibility #297

Closed mirabilos closed 9 years ago

mirabilos commented 9 years ago

Include Opera bugfix from Debian #647596, fixes issue #139

savetheclocktower commented 9 years ago

Now that I notice you're the original author of this ticket: first, apologies it took me so long to deal with it one way or another.

Second: can you explain what this is doing, or give me a failing test case so I can ascertain what this fixes? I closed the last one because older versions of Opera had a lot of tiny bugs that eventually got resolved on Opera's end, but perhaps this is not one of those.

mirabilos commented 9 years ago

Andrew Dupont dixit:

Second: can you explain what this is doing, or give me a failing test case so I can ascertain what this fixes? I closed the last one because older versions of Opera had a lot of tiny bugs that eventually got resolved on Opera's end, but perhaps this is not one of those.

It is something that is probably fixed in newer Opera browsers, but not in older ones, which some people still use for various reasons. Basically, the regexp always fails, and reordering it (in particular, moving \u0000 to the end) fixes it for Opera at zero cost for anything else. I’m not even the original person to come up with this patch, as this has been posted as advice on some web forum long before, I just found it, applied it and tried to push it upstream.



Beware of ritual lest you forget the meaning behind it. yeah but it means if you really care about something, don't ritualise it, or you will lose it. don't fetishise it, don't obsess. or you'll forget why you love it in the first place.
savetheclocktower commented 9 years ago

That's fair enough.