prototypejs / prototype

Prototype JavaScript framework
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Fixing JS injection #353

Closed Johndiology closed 8 months ago

Johndiology commented 3 years ago

Our security team tells us that our Ajax calls are vulnerable to JS injection. They recommended URI encoding our responses. In trying to resolve this I happened on this.transport.send(this.body); in prototype.js and figured it could be this.transport.send(encodeURIComponent(this.body)); But I'm kind of guessing here, as I don't understand a lot of this library. In any case, it didn't work. Or rather, it did URI encode our response parameters but then we have other form inputs that are now all "unnamedargument[x]". I'd like to understand how to resolve this. Thanks.

jwestbrook commented 3 years ago

That section of code is how the Ajax class sends the request to the server, not the response from the server.

I believe this is more about how the response is handled, so if the headers are Javascript, and the response is from the same origin then the response will be treated as Javascript and evaluated.

You can disable this behavior by setting the evalJS option to false.

For example

new Ajax.Request('/my/ajax/url',{'evalJS':false,'onSuccess':function(result){
Johndiology commented 3 years ago

Thanks very much!