proudcity / wp-proudcity

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Date for each of the events is listed BEFORE the heading for each of the events #2496

Open lukefretwell opened 3 months ago

lukefretwell commented 3 months ago


Describe the bug

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

The date for each of the events is listed BEFORE the heading for each of the events. A screen reader user navigating by headings would have to navigate UP/Backwards to know what date the heading for the event and subsequent information refers to. Ideally, the heading is at the top of all information related to the event.


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

curtismchale commented 3 months ago

I think we'd simply move the heading to the top level of the wrapper outside the two wrappers that allow for right/left boxes. That does mean a change to our styles as the heading (technically) would then align to the left side above the date, at least if we took the easy way @lukefretwell .

lukefretwell commented 3 months ago

@curtismchale I think that's fine. I don't love the boxes and the truncated month is not great. Just a number of accessibility and mobility issues.

In a perfect world:

kevindherman commented 3 months ago

@lukefretwell getting rid of the box is smart. What if it went to the right instead of between title and time so then the heading text would come first and can still keep some of the "calendar" style of the bigger date in the list view. As a reminder, if they want something with only the title they can do the mini list in the event list widget.

If the right align for the former date box is at all no good for accessibility or mobile, please disregard.

cc @curtismchale