proudcity / wp-proudcity

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Add search tracking #2533

Open curtismchale opened 3 months ago

curtismchale commented 3 months ago


Source SR

Code to add search tracking is found in wp-proud-search/includes/js/wp-proud-search.js line 52. We should have to update the ga( to the newer gtag format found in proudcity analytics



curtismchale commented 3 months ago

@kevindherman I looked at this today and while the code is pushed and should be "simple" I see errors coming through the browser console when we try to push any events to GA.

To figure that out and get the search added I'd need to set up my test environment again for GA4 and test any events sending. Then figure out how I get our search plugin setup on that test environment (it hasn't typically been a full copy of our site code just the analytics portion) and continue testing.

Time investment...not sure until I figure out why we're not sending events and know what the fix is. A guess would be a few hours to setup and find the problem.

curtismchale commented 3 months ago

I reverted my changes that had enabled the search tracking and still see the same POST errors so it's not something I introduced today.