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Force ALT text on images #2546

Closed curtismchale closed 1 month ago

curtismchale commented 2 months ago


Deploy ALT Text plugin



Describe the bug

ALT text should be forced on all instances of adding an image.

Adding image to Media Gallery


When you upload an image it should force you to put in ALT text in.

Inserting image to WP via the Classic Editor

When you choose an image from the media gallery it should prompt you for ALT text if there is none.

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CleanShot 2024-05-02 at 13 17 28

With Site Origin widgets

When you choose media it should auto-populate the existing ALT text and if there is none it should not allow you to insert the image.

Image Widget CleanShot 2024-05-02 at 13 18 43

Image Set Widget

All images in the set should have ALT text and any that don't should have the issue highlighted if the user attempts to insert the content.

CleanShot 2024-05-02 at 13 20 44

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kevindherman commented 2 months ago

@curtismchale additional widgets that use images and should have alt text requirements:

kevindherman commented 2 months ago

All of these files come from the media library so my hope is that if we start with forcing alt text to be required when uploading the original, then alt text is addressed in all applications of the file.

curtismchale commented 1 month ago

@kevindherman we can force ALT text in the media gallery when someone selects an image with the Fix ALT Text plugin.

This doesn't handle the ALT text in widgets as it won't fill in the text when you add an image but it will stop anyone from picking an image without ALT text so it would force older images to get the text and any new image would get it as well.

I'll have to build something custom to work with SiteOrigin widgets. Should I do that or stop here for now?

kevindherman commented 1 month ago

@curtismchale can this at least be deployed to Petaluma?

I think getting this part on Petaluma would be a nice win then circle back for the rest with breathing room.

curtismchale commented 1 month ago

@kevindherman is there a reason we wouldn't deploy it to all sites?

kevindherman commented 1 month ago

@curtismchale all sounds better.

kevindherman commented 1 month ago

@curtismchale @lukefretwell the plugin looks great and is definitely an improvement from what we had before.

I really like the reporting/fixing feature to help solve the problem.

curtismchale commented 1 month ago

@kevindherman it's on Beta now and getting ready to go to all sites.

kevindherman commented 1 month ago

@curtismchale this is great and I actually think this does everything we need.

  1. I added media in visual editor grabbing image file that was already uploaded and had no alt text, it required me to add it
  2. I added an image set and did the same as above
  3. I uploaded a new image for the image set and needed to add the alt text
  4. I added an image widget with the same experience.

I'm not sure the widget level alt text is needed but we can revisit.

It may be part of a followup but the plugin's reporting/fixing is really nice and could go under tools in our admin. I didn't see where to access and play around with those features so lets not have that hold this up.

Huge improvement as is. @lukefretwell

curtismchale commented 1 month ago

@kevindherman yeah the settings UI is only available to PC Admins, but it doesn't match well with our Admin theme at all and would require a bunch of work to make it accessible to customers.

kevindherman commented 1 month ago

makes sense. for another day then.

curtismchale commented 1 month ago

Deployed the plugin

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