proudmonkey / AutoWrapper

A simple, yet customizable global exception handler and Http response wrapper for ASP.NET Core APIs.
MIT License
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TransactionId (or ErrorId) in the output to support lookup in log files? #85

Open abelfiore opened 3 years ago

abelfiore commented 3 years ago

In a production environment, when exceptions get thrown, or errors occur, it can be good to hide the complexity of the problem (stack trace, etc) and give a vague response instead. AutoWrapper seems to support this with the IsDebug flag. However, it would be really nice to also provide something like a TransactionId (or ErrorId for errors?) so that API developers can easily isolate and analyze the problem in the log files. Does AutoWrapper currently support a way to do this? It looks like you can define custom response schema, but can that custom schema be automatically returned during an exception - rather than making an explicit throw?

proudmonkey commented 3 years ago

AutoWrapper doesn't support adding TransactionId/ErrorId automatically at this point. However, you can use ErrorCode parameter of the ApiException object to pass your own ErrorId.

abelfiore commented 3 years ago

Not ideal, but that is an option. Is there some way for me to do this in one place, rather than repeating this logic everywhere?

proudmonkey commented 3 years ago

Not at the moment. I'll tag this as feature enhancement for future release. Thank you.

abelfiore commented 3 years ago

Sounds great. Would love to see a TransactionId baked in for all requests. Really enjoying your library so far. Great job!