proudmonkey / AutoWrapper

A simple, yet customizable global exception handler and Http response wrapper for ASP.NET Core APIs.
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No UseCustomSchema for custom ApiResponse #96

Open TheTrigger opened 3 years ago

TheTrigger commented 3 years ago

Hello, I would suggest implementing a check to automatically recognize wrapper objects


Something at runtime like returnObject is IApiResponse then use it, otherwise wrap it. IApiResponse must have no props defined


if we not forced to use UseCustomSchema = true for occasional custom schemes, don't need to rewrite every Controller's methods return type, keeping the solution clean and not invasive.

Not sure if it already possible in some way, I just started to use this lib

proudmonkey commented 3 years ago

Not sure if I follow. Using the ApiResponse object is optional. For as long as you integrate AutoWrapper, your controller method can use IActionResult or any type that you'd like your action to return.

TheTrigger commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I could be missing something, here the current situation: I'm using UseCustomSchema = true to return my custom PaginatedApiResponse in a controller's endpoint

public class PaginatedApiResponse : ApiResponse
    public PaginatedApiResponse(object data, Pagination pagination) : base(result: data)
        Pagination = pagination ?? throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(pagination));

    public Pagination Pagination { get; set; }

Cause of this I have to return a new ApiResponse(obj) for every controller to correctly wrap objects. It's dirty.

Meanwhile, if I use UseCustomSchema = false i don't need to explicitly return an ApiResponse in every controller, because the return object is automatically wrapped. (if false, returning a PaginatedApiResponse loses extra properties, eg Pagination)

So my idea would be to remove UseCustomSchema and properly check at runtime the type of the returning object if is not IApiResponse then wrap it. (require an empty IApiResponse and not ApiResponse, so we could still apply custom mappings)

Doing this we could use custom schemas and keep the transparency

What do you think about it?

proudmonkey commented 3 years ago

I see what you mean. I will look into this when I have some time. It's been very busy at work. I' am on the process on converting this to .NET 5. Would be nice if you could implement the feature, test them and submit a PR. Alternatively, you could fork the repo for the time being and implement the feature you need to get going.

TheTrigger commented 3 years ago

I will try to figure out how to implement those things, hope I can help

proudmonkey commented 3 years ago

@TheTrigger I've released an RC version just to test out the migration to .NET 5. You can try using it to test this request out as well: