Closed rrubo closed 6 years ago
@rrubo Thanks for reporting, we have a few iterations of the remix IDE, could you include the link of the IDE you are using? The newest and our recommended one currently is the official IDE and then launching the Oraclize plugin from the settings tab, in case you are using something else, it'd be appreciated if you can try with that one and let us know if the issue persists.
It is the official remix IDE, and I am using the Oraclize Plugin as well.
Thanks, we'll investigate, I'm assuming at this point the plugin is likely passing an internal id instead of the EVM-side generated one.
@rrubo could you please test again against remix-ide and in case provide the code of the contract that is not working? Ty
@Fi3 I tested, still there's a mismatch. Below's the code:
import "";
contract ContractTest is usingOraclize {
using strings for *;
bytes32 public query;
function makeQuery()
payable {
string memory queryStringOne = "[URL] ['json([\"serialNumber\",\"data\"]', '\\n{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"generateSignedIntegers\",\"params\":{\"apiKey\":\"a59c50a4-1424-4a38-b066-fa8447ee3658\",\"n\":2,\"min\":1,\"max\":4,\"replacement\":false,\"base\":10${[identity] \"}\"},\"id\":";
string memory queryStringTwo = uint2str(77);
string memory queryStringThree = "${[identity] \"}\"}']";
string memory queryStringOne_Two = queryStringOne.toSlice().concat(queryStringTwo.toSlice());
string memory queryStringOne_Two_Three = queryStringOne_Two.toSlice().concat(queryStringThree.toSlice());
bytes32 queryId = oraclize_query("nested", queryStringOne_Two_Three, 235000);
query = queryId;
bytes32 public myId;
string public res;
function __callback(
bytes32 myid,
string result,
bytes proof)
public {
res = result;
myId = myid;
Compiling & simpler version which exhibits the same behaviour:
import "";
contract ContractTest is usingOraclize {
bytes32 public queryIDBefore;
bytes32 public queryIDAfter;
constructor() public {
function makeQuery() public payable {
bytes32 qID = oraclize_query("URL", "xml(");
queryIDBefore = qID;
function __callback(bytes32 myid, string result, bytes proof) public {
queryIDAfter = myid;
Wasn't sure where to open this issue, but I'm having troubles in mapping values from the query and then getting them in the __callback(). I.e.
is different thansenderAddress[myid]
(the latter is 0x0 instead of showing the query msg.sender address).In the testnets, everything is working fine. I wish you guys could fix this in the Remix JavascriptVM as well.