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Rust bindings for the Z3 solver.
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Examples #151

Open cryslith opened 3 years ago

cryslith commented 3 years ago

It would be great if had some top-level documentation with full usage examples for the crate, or linked to useful examples elsewhere. As it is, it's a bit intimidating to look at the whole crate without knowing where to start.

sameer commented 3 years ago

That's a fair call-out. The tests provide some examples, though a lot of it assumes you have general background with SMT solvers and Z3.

Most of the maintainers including myself are strapped for time, but will try to expand on the docs.

If this is something you'd be interested in helping out with I'm happy to review any PRs :slightly_smiling_face:

jakeisnt commented 3 years ago

I've found a couple of good examples here; I've opened a quick PR to fix one of the examples after updating the z3 crate for that repository but am having some trouble with the other (trio).

If anyone has some time to help fix the example and/or provide a brief explanation of what could be wrong, I'd really appreciate it!

aquarial commented 2 years ago

Here's an example solving a DIMACS formatted problem. It's the simplest useful thing to do with Clean it up a bit, and I think would be great for the README.

Answers some of the questions I had when I first looked at the library, and puts the into a context.

Shows how to:

if args[1].clone() == String::from("DIMACS") {
    let instr = std::fs::read_to_string(args[2].clone()).unwrap();

    let mut all_vars = HashSet::<u32>::new();

    let config = z3::Config::new();
    let context = z3::Context::new(&config);
    let opt = z3::Optimize::new(&context);

    // parse DIMACS
    for strline in instr.trim().split("\n") {
        if strline.chars().nth(0) == Some('p') {

        let mut vals = Vec::<z3::ast::Bool>::new();
        strline.trim().split(" ").filter(|v| v != &"0").for_each(|v| {
            let v: i64 = v.parse().unwrap();
            all_vars.insert(v.abs() as u32);

            let symb = z3::ast::Bool::new_const(&context, v.abs() as u32);
            vals.push(if v > 0 { symb } else { symb.not() });
        let refvals: Vec<&z3::ast::Bool> = vals.iter().collect();
        opt.assert(&z3::ast::Bool::or(&context, &refvals));

    // solve puzzle
    let result: z3::SatResult = opt.check(&[]);
    let model: z3::Model = opt.get_model().unwrap();

    // query+output values
    println!("s {:?}", result);
    print!("v ");
    for var in all_vars.iter() {
        let symb = z3::ast::Bool::new_const(&context, *var);
        if let Some(res) = model.eval(&symb, true) {
            if res.as_bool() == Some(true) {
                print!("{} ", var);
            } else {
                print!("-{} ", var);
detrin commented 1 year ago

I would be awesome to have some kind of minimal example for SAT in z3 rust binding, such as here in python

I have created as a fun project pentomino solver with SAT I am using solver but it is not currently developed, single-threaded and doesn't support multiple results outputting.