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Rust bindings for the Z3 solver.
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Upload z3 built by vcpkg as release assets in CI. Maybe test whether it works in CI later. #264

Open TheVeryDarkness opened 10 months ago

TheVeryDarkness commented 10 months ago

The release name 0.12.2 is in env.Z3_VERSION and may be changed to z3-0.12.2 if expected.

Uploaded files in my fork is in 0.12.2.

I didn't attach a SHA256 or other validation information, and this may be added in the future.

And I may also add some codes to let z3-sys download and test uploaded archive. But archive for Windows is just too big, can we cache downloaded archive globally? Or add an env var that points to the archive?

TheVeryDarkness commented 10 months ago

The test failed because there is no such release 0.12.2 here and it doesn't have write access.