provectus / kafka-ui

Open-Source Web UI for Apache Kafka Management
Apache License 2.0
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RBAC: Support Gitlab teams #3249

Open joaofrsilva opened 1 year ago

joaofrsilva commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am trying to make kafka-ui available for an entire organization. For now I was able to integrate the authentication with GitLab, but when it comes to RBAC I can not find the config. Is it supported?

Config I am using for the authentication: auth: type: OAUTH2 oauth2: client: gitlab: provider: gitlab clientId: redacted authorizationGrantType: authorization_code clientSecret: redacted redirectUri: scope:

Config I am trying for RBAC: rbac: roles:

Haarolean commented 1 year ago

Hi, currently we do not support gitlab for RBAC. Probly it'd be possible after we implement #2844, otherwise I'll take a look and implement a separate one for gitlab. Stay tuned!

varkey commented 1 year ago

@Haarolean Is there any progress on RBAC with Gitlab? Similar to @EI-Joao, we are able to login with Gitlab SSO, but RBAC would definitely help us.

Haarolean commented 1 year ago

@varkey with our current bandwidth we have planned support for LDAP & generic oauth providers for the current release. It may work with gitlab as a generic provider, otherwise, it'll be a separate task in future releases.

Haarolean commented 1 year ago

The original issue is solvable thru #2844. Probably we need to explicitly support gitlab teams just like GitHub ones (#2751). Let's keep this issue for this purpose.

IIPOCTAK commented 9 months ago

Hello. I'm not sure if my problem should be here. But I didn't find something related to the gitlab anywhere. We are using GitLab as OAuth provider for some applications, kafka-ui in the list. Our configuration is:

    - name: <cluster>
      bootstrapServers: <redacter>


  type: OAUTH2
        clientId: <redacted>
        clientSecret: <redacted>
        scope: ['openid', 'profile']
        client-name: gitlab
        provider: gitlab
        redirect-uri: https://<redacted>/login/oauth2/code/gitlab
        issuer-uri: https:// <redacted>
        authorization-grant-type: authorization_code
        user-name-attribute: nickname
          type: oauth
          roles-field: nickname

      enabled: false

    - name: "admins"
        - <cluster>
        - provider: oauth
          type: role
          value: "<nickname>"
        - resource: applicationconfig
          actions: all

        - resource: clusterconfig
          actions: all

        - resource: topic
          value: ".*"
          actions: all

        - resource: consumer
          value: ".*"
          actions: all

        - resource: schema
          value: ".*"
          actions: all

        - resource: connect
          value: ".*"
          actions: all

        - resource: ksql
          actions: all

        - resource: acl
          value: ".*"
          actions: [ view ]

But after registration I see entire white screen, see picture:

Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 15 33 51

In the log I see successful login:

<time> DEBUG [reactor-http-nio-1] c.p.k.u.s.r.e.OauthAuthorityExtractor: Assigning role [<nickname>] to user [<nickname>]

With debug: on:

<time> DEBUG [reactor-http-nio-3] o.s.s.w.s.c.WebSessionServerSecurityContextRepository: Found SecurityContext 'SecurityContextImpl [Authentication=OAuth2AuthenticationToken [Principal=RbacOidcUser[user=Name: [<nickname>], Granted Authorities: [[OIDC_USER, SCOPE_openid, SCOPE_profile]], User Attributes: [{sub=19, groups_direct=[<group>], profile=https://<redacted>/<nickname>, iss=https://<redacted>, groups=[<group>], preferred_username=<nickname>,[<group>], nonce=<redacted>, picture=https://<redacted>/uploads/-/system/user/avatar/19/avatar.png, aud=[<redacted>], auth_time=<time>, name=<redacted>, nickname=<nickname> sub_legacy=<redacted>, exp=<time>, iat=<time>}], groups=[admins]], Credentials=[PROTECTED], Authenticated=true, Details=null, Granted Authorities=[OIDC_USER, SCOPE_openid, SCOPE_profile]]]' in WebSession: 'org.springframework.web.server.session.InMemoryWebSessionStore$InMemoryWebSession@1ecb2f6'

Is there a misconfiguration in config or did I something wrong? Note: Without rbac section (only when auth is present) I can login without any problem.

Alexander-ac commented 2 months ago

Hello @IIPOCTAK , i have the same issue with the white screen. And i have the same log output:

2024-05-02 09:02:02,176 DEBUG [reactor-http-epoll-4] c.p.k.u.s.r.e.OauthAuthorityExtractor: Assigning role [admin] to user [Alexander Boger]

Did you find the solution for this problem?

with kind regards

Alexander Boger

IIPOCTAK commented 2 months ago

Hello @Alexander-ac.

Unfortunately, I haven't found proper solution to fix white screen yet.

Right now we are using basic auth to login in kafka-ui, but I hope that problem above will be noticed by developers and will be fixed in the future release.

Kind regards.

Alexander-ac commented 2 months ago

But that is extremely strange. I configured the whole thing with Azure (oauth).

Honestly, I can't imagine that it isn't already supported. But I run into the same error. A white screen is displayed after redirection.

Does basic authentication also support RBAC?

Haarolean commented 2 months ago

Please note this repo is not maintained (#4255). Happy to address your issues here:

Alexander-ac commented 2 months ago

@IIPOCTAK Are you using ngnix or something else?

Yesterday I experimented with Keycloak and WebUI locally on my computer. I built the whole thing using Docker and simulated it without using reverse proxy. And look, it works! So I strongly suspect that the cause of the problem is the reverse proxy settings.

Alexander-ac commented 2 months ago

I think I have now found the real reason for the problem. If I remove the SERVER_SERVLET_CONTEXT_PATH variable, the forwarding works properly. And the WEB-UI interface appears.

IIPOCTAK commented 1 month ago

Created an issue here

@Alexander-ac Yes, we use ingress nginx as reverse proxy for kafka-ui. Unfortunately, I didn't use SERVER_SERVLET_CONTEXT_PATH in configuration, when I tried to use the variable in the configuration - problem still appears.

Does basic authentication also support RBAC?

No, It doesn't.