provenance-io / explorer-service

The server side of the blockchain Explorer app. Allows for UI browsing of the blockchain.
Apache License 2.0
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Feign api-client does not accept query parameters #487

Closed benarena closed 1 year ago

benarena commented 1 year ago

Summary of Bug

The feign clients in the api-client module reject calls that include query parameters because they are not included in the @RequestLine



Steps to Reproduce

Call the client:

ExplorerClient("").governanceClient.votesByAddress(address, count, page)

Response is:

feign.FeignException$MethodNotAllowed: [405 Method Not Allowed] during [GET] to [] [GovernanceClient#allProposals(int,int)]: []


Fix is simply to include the query parameters in the request line, e.g.

object GovernanceRoutes {
    const val GOV_V3 = "${BaseRoutes.V3_BASE}/gov"
    const val ALL = "$GOV_V3/proposals?count={count}&page={page}"

@RequestLine("GET ${GovernanceRoutes.ALL}")
    fun allProposals(
        @Param("count") count: Int = 10,
        @Param("page") page: Int = 1
    ): PagedResults<GovProposalDetail>

For Admin Use