provenance-io / explorer-service

The server side of the blockchain Explorer app. Allows for UI browsing of the blockchain.
Apache License 2.0
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Update Historical Price Data Integration: Remove Figure dlob, Add Osmosis #519

Closed nullpointer0x00 closed 4 months ago

nullpointer0x00 commented 4 months ago


Replace the Figure historical price data with Osmosis data in the Provenance Network Explorer.

Problem Definition

The Figure API for historical price data was discontinued at the beginning of June 2024. This means that the Provenance Network Explorer can no longer rely on Figure for historical price data. To maintain the functionality and accuracy of the Explorer, we need to switch to a new data source. Osmosis has been identified as a good alternative to start with, although we plan to add other data sources in the future.


Remove old Figure functionality and replace it with Osmosis.

For Admin Use