provenance-io / explorer-service

The server side of the blockchain Explorer app. Allows for UI browsing of the blockchain.
Apache License 2.0
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Dynamic Loading of Proto Descriptors #520

Closed nullpointer0x00 closed 4 months ago

nullpointer0x00 commented 4 months ago


This feature enhances the explorer by dynamically loading all proto descriptors from specified packages. This approach ensures that any new or missed descriptors are automatically included without requiring hard-coded updates.

Problem Definition

Previously, proto descriptors were hard-coded in the explorer. This method required manual updates each time a new descriptor was added or an existing one was missed. This process was error-prone and time-consuming. By dynamically loading descriptors, we can ensure that the explorer remains up-to-date with minimal manual intervention.


The new feature dynamically loads all proto descriptors from specified packages. This ensures that any new or missed descriptors are automatically included. The only requirement for updating descriptors is to change the proto dependency version during provenance releases.

For Admin Use